Page 57 of Ruled Out

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I nod. “Yeah. I’m going to start applying to coaching jobs in the area. Despite our situation, CCU is a great school. I would never want to take that away from Phoebe. Plus, I only took this job for Dan. I couldn’t say no when he offered.”

“Have you told him?” Dad questions.

I shake my head, the thought making my stomach clench. “No. I will eventually, but not yet. It was hard enough mustering the courage to tell you. I have to say, it feels good to finally get it off my chest.”

“You need to prepare yourself for his response. I have a feeling he won't take it well at first. He’ll come around, though,” Dad continues.

“I know he will,” I reply, nodding my head.

“Does Willow know?” Mom asks.

“Yeah, she does. I told her about how I felt about Phoebe months ago, before anything got serious between us.”

“Months ago? Knox!” Mom replies in shock. “It hurts to know you felt you couldn't come to me with this too. When have I ever not supported you?”

“I called Willow in the hopes she’d convince me to stay away. I would have called you, but we all know you’re a hopeless romantic,” I laugh. “You probably weren't the best person for that conversation.”

“He has a point, honey,” my dad chuckles.

My mother looks at me pointedly, before dropping what I consider to be an uncomfortable truth bomb. "Have you told her you love her yet?”

She purses her lips and crosses her arms when I shake my head. “Knox Moore. You need to tell her how you feel while you can. She clearly makes you happier than ever, and she fits right in with the family. I can tell she loves you by the way she looks at you.”

“Oh. Can you now, Cupid?” I laugh. “I’m glad you’ve confessed our love for us, Mom. It’s greatly appreciated,” I joke.

“But you do, right? Love her?” she prods.

“Yeah, I do. So much,” I reply without hesitation.

“Then what are you waiting for? Tell her!” she practically yells, causing my dad to roll his eyes and wrap his arm around her shoulder, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead.

“You have a good heart, honey,” he laughs.

“I don’t understand why you’re laughing,” she responds with a scoff and a smile.



New York was an absolute dream. I wish we were there for longer than just a few days, but I’m thankful for the short time we did have. I spent half the day with Willow yesterday, stopping by her favorite coffee shop, touring her office, and getting lunch at a sushi bar after. Aside from her being Knox’s sister, I could totally see myself being best friends with her. She’s just so fun, easy going, and enjoyable to be around. I love her eccentric and colorful view on life.

Later that day, Knox filled me in on how the conversation went with his parents. I could instantly tell that his mood seemed ten times lighter, like a weight had been lifted off his chest. I wanted to give Knox the space to speak with his parents alone, but I also just had this gut feeling they would handle it well. Just from the short time I spent with Knox’s family, I could tell they were the furthest thing from judgmental people.

After Willow and I had lunch, we met up with Knox and his parents. We spent the remainder of the day strolling through Times Square, Central Park, and touring the Empire State Building. Being in New York for only two days made me realize how much we didn't get to see or do while we were there. The options are literally endless. In bed last night, Knox promised we would come back one day, just him and I. Just the thought of having such a magical city all to ourselves made butterflies flutter in my stomach.

Everyone decided on a quick breakfast together before we had to part ways. No one had brought up Knox being my coach until breakfast this morning. I kept waiting for someone to address it because it felt like a subject we were still carefully skating around. Thankfully, Luke finally addressed the elephant in the room with his humor and quick wit.

“So, you gonna take it easy on Phoebe at practice tomorrow?” Luke asked Knox in between bites of his croissant. Silence took over the table before we all burst out in laughter. It felt like the last wall finally came down, filling the awkward spaces with love, laughter, acceptance, and family.For the first time in forever, I felt like I was part of a family.

“You ready, baby?” Knox asks, distracting me from my thoughts as we pull up to the side of my apartment building.

“No,” I groan, pushing out my bottom lip in a pout.

Knox leans over, dipping his head and sucking my bottom lip into his mouth before parting my lips with his tongue. He kisses me quick, but I’m still breathless.

“This weekend was amazing,” he whispers, pressing his forehead to mine.

“It really was. Thank you again for asking me to come,” I reply, nuzzling my nose against his. We sit there in silence, enjoying the closeness before we have to go back to reality, before I go back to acting like he’s nothing but my coach.Like he’s not everything to me.
