Page 67 of Ruled Out

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A huge, white toothed smile stretches across his face as he enthusiastically waves and walks my way.

“Hey, Phee! How was your break?” he asks in a chipper tone, wrapping his bulky arms around me and encasing me in a hug.

This guy is too nice for his own good.

“It was… eventful, to say the least,” I scoff. “What about you? How was yours?” I ask, quickly changing the subject.

“It was fun! I got to spend time with my old man. He just got a new fishing boat, so he took me out on it over the weekend. It’s pretty badass,” he smiles.

“Wow, that’s awesome. Well, I’m glad you had a nice weekend,” I reply with a soft smile.

“Yeah, so, how have you been, Phoebe? We haven’t really talked much since your birthday. We were all pretty fucked up that night,” he laughs. “You’ve been so quiet in class, and you barely text me anymore.”

I’ve just had a lot going on,” I reply, stumbling over my words. “Colin, there’s actually something I’ve been wanting to say to you.” I tuck a fallen strand of hair behind my ear.

“Are you finally going to admit your love for me?” he jokes, arching his brows.

“You wish,” I reply, giving him a playful shove.

“What’s up, Phee? I’m all ears,” he continues in a more serious voice.

I take a deep breath.Here goes nothing.“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry if you ever felt like I led you on. You really are a great friend, and I enjoy hanging out with you. You’re the life of the party and always know how to make me laugh,” I chuckle. “Unfortunately, I think I’m just attracted to broody assholes. You are the farthest thing from that.”

“Awe, Phoebe. Are you calling me a softy? That’s not really a compliment,” he laughs.

“No, I didn't mean it like that,” I try to correct myself.Except, I kind of did mean it like that.

“Nah, I’m just messing with you,” he chuckles. “I appreciate your concern, but I never felt that way. I’m a big believer that everything happens for a reason. Plus, I started dating a girl on the volleyball team a few weeks ago. Her name’s Lily.” He’s practically beaming from just the mention of her name.

Everything happens for a reason.I’ve heard the saying so many times, but it’s almost like hearing it from Colin is a sign. A sign to allow myself to be more carefree, to let go of needing to plan out every aspect of my life. A sign to not give up on the people who make your world come alive with vibrant colors.

“Looks like someone’s been bitten by the love bug,” I hum, nudging his shoulder.

“What can I say? I’m a sucker for love,” he chuckles. “She came and visited me during break, got to meet my family and everything.”

“I’m so happy for you, Colin. Truly,” I respond, smiling from ear to ear. He deserves all the happiness in the world.

“Thanks, Phoebe,” he smiles softly.

“Well, I gotta run to the library,” I exhale, “but it was nice catching up. Maybe me, you, Lily, and Maisie can all get dinner one evening?”

“Lily and I would love that,” he quickly replies.

“Great, I’ll text you so we can plan it. I’ll see you around, Colin.” I wave goodbye and flash him a soft smile before turning and making my way to the library.

* * *

I’m almost done printingmy papers at the library when my phone vibrates with a text. I grab it off the wooden table and gasp when I see the name lighting up my screen.

Uncle Corbin.

Completely forgetting about my papers, I take a seat in the nearest chair and unlock my phone. My heart rate soars when I see a mile long text filling the entire screen.

Corbin: Phoebe, I know texting is probably not the appropriate way to go about this, but I want to make sure I don’t miss a word of what I need to say. I’m also too embarrassed to have a real conversation right now, especially after how I acted. That may make me a coward, but it’s the truth. I’ve never been a physical person, and I’m ashamed of how I presented myself. I want you to know that I don’t think he’s a bad guy, and he definitely didn't deserve to be attacked like that. I need you to understand that I’ve always felt like a father figure to you. I’ve always felt like I had a responsibility to look out for you, fill a role that your parents never did. I know we don’t talk about it much, but I’m so sorry for the shitty hand you’ve been dealt for parents. Your dad would kill me if he knew I was telling you this, but I’ve had countless conversations with him, letting him know what a piece of shit he is for not realizing how wonderful his daughter is. I’ve never mentioned any of this to you, because I was always trying to keep the peace. I’ve been holding on to a thread of hope that your parents would wake up and realize how lucky they are. With that said, I wanted to step in and be the father you never had. I wanted you to know that you have a family member who loves and cares about you. I wanted you to know that someone is immensely proud of you. When I realized who Knox was, all I saw was that he was a much older man and your coach. You’re still a teenager, Phoebe. But I failed to realize that you’re also an adult now and can make your own decisions. What I didn’t fail to realize was the way he looked at you. I need you to know that I don’t fault him for what he did, because in his mind, he was protecting you. You and I know both know I would never intentionally hurt you, but he didn't know that. Protecting you is something I should have done, but instead, I had tunnel vision and did something I will always regret. Always. You may not believe me, but I admire him for what he did. I may not understand your relationship, but it’s not my place. As someone who cares about you, it’s my responsibility to support you, make sure you surround yourself with people who value you and treat you right. If he’s doing that, then that’s all that matters to me. I hope one day you can forgive me. The same goes for Knox. You don’t have to respond to this right away. You don’t have to call me. I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry. Feel free to reach out whenever you’re ready. You know I’m always just a phone call away. I love you, Pheebs.

I can barely readhis text when I get to the end because my vision is flooded with tears. A few days ago, I felt so broken and lost, like I had destroyed relationships with the people closest to me. I had absolutely no hope. Colin and Maisie’s words immediately echo through my mind.

“Everything happens for a reason.”
