Page 29 of Love You From Afar

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“What a fucking loser.” He scoffs, clenching his jaw as he shakes his head.Damn, he really let this guy get to him.

“Everett, he left. He’s gone. Just calm down…,” I say softly. “I’m not making excuses for him, but he looked like a drunk frat guy. I’m pretty sure you made him piss his pants,” I chuckle. “You scared the shit out of him, he’s definitely not coming back.”

“I’m not talking about him,” he says gruffly. “Although, that guywascomplete trash.”

“What?”I’m confused.Who could he be talking about?

“My brother.I’m talking about my brother.” He shakes his head, snaking his palm from the center of my back around to cup my waist.

His large hand rests just above the hem of my dress, still connected with my skin. He tightens his hold, sending a shock of electricity straight to my core. His hand is so big compared to my waist. His thumb almost reaches the center of my back as the tips of his fingers brush against my bare stomach.

His touch ignites a heated response from my body, but I don’t think that was his intention. He seems frustrated, like he’s desperate for someone to hold on to. And right now, that someone just happens to be me. He looks down, smiling seductively when he notices the growing chill bumps covering my arm.

He knows exactly what his touch is doing to me. Just to fuel the fire, he brushes his thumb along the smooth skin of my back. I inhale a shaky breath and close my eyes as will myself to loathe his touch. But my body defies my mind as my nerves thrum, aching for more than just a brush of his thumb.Aching for so much more.

“What do you mean you're talking about your brother? What did Elliot do?” I ask, my coming out all raspy. His fingers tighten around my waist, like he notices the way my voice quivers in response to his touch.

“Look at you, Skylar.” His hungry eyes sweep down the length of my dress. “You are hands down the sexiest woman on this ship and he left you. He went back to his room to tend to his blood-sucking corporate job, instead of choosing you. One day, he’s going to look up and realize what a fucking idiot he is,” Everett hisses, tugging at the collar of his shirt.

You are hands down the sexiest woman on this ship.

I blink my eyes, wondering if I just imagined hearing those words falling from his lips.

I don’t respond, because I can’t find the words.There are no words.My boyfriend’s older brother just admitted his attraction to me. In one sentence, he confirmed what I had been suspecting since he first pierced me with his cobalt eyes.

Maybe that’s why he despises his brother so much… because Elliot has something he wants but can’t have.Me.

I’m conflicted about how Everett’s confession makes me feel. He shouldn't make my core flutter with a thousand butterflies, but he does. He shouldn’t make my heart feel all flippy and warm, but he does. So I choose to not respond, letting him lead me to the karaoke bar with his hand still brushing against my skin.

* * *

Hourslater and with a little bit of liquid courage, Everett and I are up on the karaoke stage, screaming at the top of our lungs to Grouplove. We sound absolutely fucking terrible, but we could care less. We’re having the time of our lives, laughing and singing our damn hearts out. I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun.

“Take me to your best friend’s house, goin’ ‘round this roundabout, ohhhh yeah!”

“Take me to your best friend’s house, I loved you then and I love you now, ohhh yeaaaah!”

“Don’t take me tongue-tied, don’t wave no goodbye, dooooon’t break!”

We’re jumping up and down, laughing in between lyrics, and pointing toward the crowd like we’re performing to a sold-out stadium. Almost half of the audience is on their feet singing along and enjoying our amateur show.

Purple and blue neon lights flood the stage, flashing in tune with the beat and casting a radiant glow across Everett’s tan skin. Sweat beads down his neck, dripping below his broad chest and into the valley of his shirt. His cerulean eyes turn silver when the colorful lights hit them at a perfect angle. His bronzed hair is wild, the short strands sticking to the slick sweat on his forehead.God, what I give to run my fingers through those curls.

In this moment, it feels like we’re free. Everett’s not Elliot’s brother, and I’m not his brother’s girlfriend. We’re just two people getting lost in the music,getting lost in each other.

I wish I could bottle up this moment and keep it stored in a secret place forever. A place that only Everett and I have access to because this is just for us. When I get sad or lonely, I could go to our secret place and relive every second. A little blip in time that the universe carved out just for us.

It's a strange feeling, to be happy and sad at the same time. Happy that I’m here with Everett, having the time of my life, but also sad because I know this can’t last. All good things eventually come to an end.

“Damn, you can sing,” Everett winks. “Can I take you home tonight?” He playfully whispers in my ear between lyrics.

I know he’s just joking, and it’s most likely the alcohol speaking, but I can’t stop the way his gravelly voice makes every hair on my body come to life. Every nerve in my body is thrumming just for him.Reaching for him,completely hypnotized by this man.

When the song comes to an end, I feel my heart sink in my chest. Three and a half minutes wasn't enough time. Would it be rude if I asked the DJ to play the song again?

Before we exit the stage, Everett and I just stand there for a few seconds, completely mesmerized by one another. His eyes flicker back and forth between mine, a sea of emotions swimming through his sapphire eyes. His gaze drops, his eyes darkening as watches me chew on my bottom lip before pulling it between my teeth. His pupils widen as his gaze turns hungry, like it’s taking everything in him not to bend down and crash his lips to mine.

The DJ brings the microphone to his lips, loudly clearing his throat in hopes to get our attention. The audience shouts and whistles as if they can sense the scorching fire burning between us.
