Page 20 of Rock God

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His eyebrow twitches exactly once. That is the only reaction my letter gets this time.

Hey, maybe I’ll throw myself in the trash too. Make a new home in the garbage can.

When Andre turns and signals the bartender for another drink, I snap. I’m done. Something fractures deep inside me, and I can’t bear it for a second longer.

“I’m out.”

The phone is dead to me, obviously, but my bag still hangs around Stephen’s neck. I yank it off him, strangling him with the strap for good measure, then I’m pushing through the crowd, headed for the exit.

Around me, I hear the words ‘Dear Hattie’ spoken aloud. Once, twice, three times. My face flushes impossibly brighter.

By the time I spill out into the cool night air, my eyes brim with unshed tears. I charge along the beach path, teeth chattering from horror.

Screw them. Screw everything. Screw Dear Hattie, and screw this town, and screw my own stupidity.

What was I thinking?

* * *
