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“You doing okay, London?” Justice worries, and I feel the car come to a stop.

“Perfect.” My smile is instant. “Why?”

“You jumped forward…”

I shrug, gripping the back of his seat. “Are we here?”

“We just pulled in.”

I don’t wait, yanking off my blindfold, my eyes bulging at the sight. “Holy …”

I tap on Ben and he yanks his away, head snapping left to look out my window. “Dude, what was in that powder?”

“Whatever it was,” I find myself whispering as I blindly reach for the handle and climb out, my fingers folding over the frame, “I’m gonna need a bottle of it, ’cause this is fucking epic.”

The house is laid out in front of us, only fire and ice melt over each side, meeting at mid-point with sharp points and flickering flames.

Water sprays into the air, forming icicles in the night, just before they’re covered in a blaze, both evaporating into thin air.

“I didn’t think hallucinogens could make me see people turn into… what the fuck even is that? And is that chick sitting on a throne made of … fire?”

Justice chuckles, leading us up the windy walkway, so we do the only thing that makes sense right now and follow behind.

A damp wetness slides up my thigh, and when I look down, a light laugh leaves me. A giant dog peers up at me from below and I tap its thick mane of fur with the tips of my fingers.

“Lon, don’t move,” Ben whispers, an adorable panic in his tone. “There’s a wolf about to eat you.”

Ooooh, a wolf! The term Lycan flashes in my mind and I smile wide.

Yes, that’s what it is. Not a dog.

I bend forward to run my hand along its back, when Jus attempts to direct me away, but the glorious beast growls low in its throat.

“Lycans don’t make good pets.” He tugs on my hair a bit, and if I wasn’t so distracted by the fire pulsing through my veins, I probably would have thought more into what he just said.

“Challenge accepted,” I tease, running my fingers through its thick fur. It feels like silk against my hand, almost leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. The other Lycan he was chasing howls, and my new friend takes off, disappearing into the dark shadows beyond the house in a flash.

Sighing happily, I stand and shake my head.

“Okay, what the fuck.” I laugh. “This is some seriously game-changing shit you gave me, Jus. Did I just become a coke head? Consider me hooked.”

“It’s not just the drug. It’s … so, this place is built from illusions. There are, uh, machines and mirrors and high-tech shit you can’t see that make you see things that aren’t there. Think of it like…” he trails off, searching for the right word. “Like a virtual reality ride or set of a movie where all the CGI shit is projected for you to see. Yeah, yeah, that’s what it is.” Justice runs a hand through his dark hair, nodding at someone as we enter. I don’t bother to turn to look, because I am way too busy lifting my arm as I notice glitter fall over it from the ceiling above.

Ben pulls me in closer, throwing his arm around my shoulders to steer me through the madness inside.

Glitter smoke hovers above the dance floor, and the walls are made up of glass, allowing direct view into every room in the house. I turn to the left. Two girls lie on a bed that’s levitating in the air. Smoke swarms between them and the floor, and one of the girls turns her body around to face us, her perfect tits bouncing from the motion. A male appears behind her then, grabbing her from the front of her throat, drawing her naked body flush against his as the other girl—her little brunette friend—shuffles beneath the girl. She leans up, sucking her pierced nipple into her mouth. The guy squeezes the girl’s neck tighter, and my pupils blow wide as I watch in awe as claws grow from his fingertips. He digs them into her throat, and her lips part as she surrenders all control to the man—beast—at her back. He doesn’t wait a single moment, but forces her onto his cock. Her back arches as her pretty mouth falls open farther, but her friend below catches her moans with her own before I hear the sound that leaves her.

A sheen of sweat slicks over my skin as my thighs clench together. Just as I’m about to reach for Ben, movement catches my eye from another room, and there are three guys in one capsule. One runs his hands over the other’s abs, leaning down and sucking his cock into his mouth. Receiver guy buries his hands in his hair, tipping his head back as he allows the other to swallow him whole.
