Page 151 of Cognac Vixen

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“I made sure Matvei was asleep first!” Jorden protests.

Yasha arches a brow. “For someone who lives in a glass house, you are throwing a lot of stones, boss. I had the pleasure of walking past the sitting room last week when Cora was on the back of the couch with her legs spread and Ivan was—”

I scream before he can even finish. “We were home alone!”

That day was actually one of my first hints that I was pregnant. I’d followed Ivan into the shower that morning and then, just a few hours later, I was aching for him again. The memory of his beard stubble scraping my inner thighs sends heat flooding everywhere.

“Not quite.” Yasha smirks. “So I thought the closet would be a better choice than that public display.”

Oh, God. Kill me now.

Ivan looks at me and then spins back to Yasha. “Forget you ever saw that. And next time, if you want to be courteous, wait until you’re at home. You aren’t a fucking teenager. You can wait.”

“Actually, we couldn’t.” Jorden bites her lower lip and then holds up her left hand. There’s a cartoonishly large red diamond on her ring finger. It takes me a second to realize it’s a Ring Pop.

I look from the ring to her and back again before it clicks. “Holy shit! You’re engaged!”

Jorden grins and nods. “Yasha just proposed to me.”

“With a Ring Pop?” Ivan asks under his breath.

Yasha elbows him hard. “It’s all I had on hand, okay? I was being spontaneous.”

I pull Jorden into a hug while Ivan claps Yasha on the back.

“You two are cheesy and disgusting, but we’re happy for you,” Ivan says.

I nod. “So happy. Beyond happy! Especially since you two tried to keep it a secret that you were even dating for months. The fact I know the same day that you’re engaged is a shock.”

“It would have been hard to keep it a secret,” Jorden says.

She looks at Yasha and something passes between them. When Yasha turns back to us, his smile is so big it looks like he’s going to burst. He’s bouncing from heel to toe like a kid waiting in line to meet Santa.

Ivan breaks the tension. “Whatever it is, say it. You’re shit at keeping secrets.”

Yasha looks to Jorden and she rolls her eyes, but waves him on.

“The engagement was kind of a rush job because Jorden just told me… she’s pregnant!”

My jaw drops. “What?!”

Yasha looks nothing but relieved to have these two secrets off his chest. For working in a criminal organization, he really is terrible at deception when it comes to stuff like this.

“I’m pregnant,” Jorden confirms, wiping tears from her eyes. “I just found out last week, but you made your announcement and I didn’t want to step on your toes. So I was waiting until the time was right, but—”

“You could never step on my toes!” I squeeze her hands and pull her in close. “I am pregnant at the same time as my best friend in the entire world! How could I ever be anything but thrilled about that?”

“I’d be a little more thrilled if I could open the closet without seeing Yasha’s bare ass for the rest of my life,” Ivan growls. Then he smiles and wraps an arm around Yasha’s shoulders. “But I’m still thrilled.”

It’s hugs and congratulations all around. Then we all sit down on the couch in a haze of happiness.

“I’m going to be a dad,” Yasha finally says, shaking his head. “Can you believe that?”

“I can honestly say I can’t believe it,” Ivan says. “But you’re going to be a great one.”

“Yeah?” he asks.

Jorden lays her head on his shoulder and looks up at him with nothing but adoration. “Yeah.”

Yasha kisses her forehead and Ivan looks over at me. He’s beaming with pride for our friends and there’s no other way I wish this night had gone.

Especially since I know we’ll still make our way upstairs eventually.

We have all the time in the world for that.
