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I squeeze her shoulder, communicating to her without words.It's okay, baby. Daddy's got you.

I simply nod at him as he walks off, and then I turn to Melanie.

"You followed me?" she asks.

I'm expecting her to be angry, but she doesn't seem angry at all. Instead, she licks her lips, and I see her thighs clench together.

My dick rises to attention as I gather her close to me. "You already know I fucking did, baby. Daddy can't let you out of his sight for a minute without other fuckers trying to take you away from him, and we can't have that now, can we? It's this perfect little pussy of yours and that pretty little face. It drives men wild. Can't leave you alone for a second."

Her breathing is getting shallower, and she presses close against me. "Shouldn't I be upset with you?" she asks me.

I shrug. "Probably, but who the fuck cares because you're not." I tip her chin up so I can look into her pretty jade green eyes. "You love the fact that your daddy is so obsessed with you he resorts to stalking you like a madman. Get out of your head, woman. It doesn't matter what's "normal." All that matters is the way we make each other feel."

"But we have to—"

"I know." I nod my head. "I know we both still need to work, baby, and we will, but you're a writer, honey, and I'm a carpenter. There's no reason we can't work in the same space together. I just want you with me all the time, and I'm sorry if that seems controlling. I promise you it's not. I trust you. It's other motherfuckers that I don't trust. I can't function at the thought of something happening to you, Melanie. I can't fucking breathe without you, baby. I don't know if you understand that."

Melanie's eyes search mine, and I see the moment that she finally lets go of all her reservations. She wraps her arms around my neck, and I lift her so that her legs wrap around me.

Her dress hikes up, and she's probably flashing a fair amount of her beautiful legs at the world, but I keep her pussy pressed tight against my erection. That's mine. No one will see that but me.

Melanie's eyes hood and she begins grinding on me right there in the parking lot.

"Fuck, baby. You want to make Daddy nut right here in front of everyone?" I don't give a fuck. If that's what she wants, that's what we'll do. I'll do anything she wants, be anything she wants.

"John," she whispers my name in that breathy, sexy, little voice, and I feel precum traveling up my stalk.

"Come for me, baby," I encourage her as I grind her on me harder.

Her eyes become lidded, and I see the moment her body obeys.

I capture her scream in a kiss, savoring the way her entire body trembles in my arms.

People are probably staring at us, but I don't give a fuck. Melanie is mine, and they can all eat their hearts out.

"That's a good girl," I whisper in her ear. "Now let me take you home."

She buries her head in the crook of my neck and lets me carry her back to my car. We'll come back and get hers later. Right now, I just need to get my sweetheart home.

With me.

Where she belongs.


Three Years Later


My fingers flyover my keyboard as I finish up my latest chapter. A smile tugs at my lips as I feel my husband's arms wrap around me from behind.

My eyes land on the wall of shelves he built for me as he begins kissing and sucking on my neck, but I try my best to stay focused. I can't stand leaving a scene open, but John and I have an ongoing challenge to see how many times he can make me abandon my work.

When the man puts his lips on me, my brain short circuits. It makes it hard to concentrate on anything but what he's doing, so oftentimes, my writing ends up just being me typing out what he's doing to me.

It's actually made my sex scenes that much better, I think. My readers seem to love it anyway.

"Today's the day, baby," he growls in my ear.
