Page 17 of Dr. Harley

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Brody: I won’t lie. I’m doing a happy dance. Not just because of my feelings. Harley, you’re the most intelligent person at this school. It’s truly exciting to teach someone with your potential. I mean that. Know that I’m not the only professor here who feels that way. I’m not the only professor who respects your mind.

Me: Thanks for saying that (or I guess writing that).

Brody: It’s true.

I put my phone down and get myself together.

* * *

The next weekis the annual faculty versus students flag football game. I think it’s in part to get us medical students out of the library and moving around, and in part to humanize the faculty.

I’m one of the only women on the team. My mother was a college athlete. She would freak out if I didn’t participate in stuff like this. I can hold my own though. I’m a pretty good athlete.

I see Brody making his way to the field. I’ve never seen him in athletic attire. He’s in shorts and a t-shirt. He has long, thick, muscular, sexy legs. I know firsthand that it’s not the only thick thing on his body. The t-shirt is tight across his broad chest. His arms are huge. He’s quite muscular. I don’t think I noticed that before in his buttoned-down shirts.

I honestly didn’t need more material for my wet dreams, but here it is right before me. I think every female student and faculty member is drooling. I’m pretty sure getting to see him like this is the only reason they’re here.

I never realized it before, mostly because I try to avoid seeing him outside of class, but he’s extremely popular among the rest of the faculty. They’re in a circle around him. He’s got them all laughing about something.

I wish I wasn’t, but I’m so attracted to him. In looking around at all the female faces right now, I’m clearly not the only one.

A whistle blows, breaking me out of my blatant ogling. We begin the game, and it quickly becomes clear that the medical students are not comprised of many athletes.

The game ends up being a lot of fun. Brody throws three touchdown passes for his team, while I catch two for mine.

Our team is down by one on the final play of the game. I catch the ball and am running down the sideline. Brody goes to grab my flag, but our feet tangle, causing us both to fall. Naturally, we fall with my back to the ground and him between my legs. We’re both hysterically laughing until we notice the position we’re in, and the fact that every single person is looking at us.

He should get up now, but he doesn’t. I’m not sure I really want him to. Truth be told, he was the last person between my legs, and I’m not too upset having him back. His face turns serious as he stares at me. I look around at all the faces staring at us. “Dr. Cooper, you should get up. People are watching us.”

“Harley, I’d really like to, but if I do, everyone here will know just how attracted I am to you.” I look down and see what he’s talking about. My eyes widen. It shouldn’t, but it turns me on to see the effect I have on him.

I look at him. “Why don’t we at least shift from this position. We can stay on the ground as long as you need to though. I’ll fake an injury.”

He gives me a small smile. “Thanks.”

We untangle ourselves, but he stays laying on the ground as he pretends to examine my foot. A few of the other faculty members come over. “Everything okay, Ms. Lawrence?”

“Yes, I just twisted my ankle. Dr. Cooper is looking at it. Thank you.” They fawn all over me, getting me ice and bandages. He mouths, “Thank you,” and eventually stands.

Megan comes over to help me off the field. I fake limp my way to a seat. She looks at me. “Was having Dr. Cooper between your legs as hot as I would imagine?”

“He wasn’t between my legs. We both fell.”

“Between your legs.”

“Whatever. It was an accident.”

She laughs. “It made me want to play football.” It made me want to do some other things.




“Harley! Congrats on passing your Boards! I’m so proud of you, Dr. Lawrence. My big sister, the doctor.”

“Thanks, Reagan. I just heard from Skylar too. It’s exciting. I’m about to start my first residency shift.”
