Page 19 of Dr. Harley

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“Yep, it’s the first day of my surgical residency. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this day my whole life.”

Just then my friend Megan walks in. I wave her over. “Jessica, this is my friend Megan. She’s starting today as a doctor too, though she’ll be down in pediatrics.” They say their hellos, but Megan then takes off for the pediatrics floor.

Over the next twenty minutes, the room fills out a bit more. I meet the other people in my surgical residency group. A goofy guy named John Peters, a petite, attractive curly-haired blonde named Michele Black, and a standoffish tall guy name Marc La Porta.

The doctor seemingly in charge of our group comes in. He’s an older man with salt and pepper hair. I’ve seen him around during the past few years, but I’ve never met him.

“Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the first day of the best surgical residency in the country. Congratulations to all of you for making the cut. Everyone want-to-be surgeon applies to this residency, and you four were selected. My name is Dr. Phillip McCrevis. I’m the chief of surgery at this hospital. I’ll be running your residency program.”

Johns starts laughing. We all look at him, though he tries to play it off by clearing his throat like he was coughing. He whispers to me. “His name is Phil McCrevis. That was my fake ID name when I was a teenager. Do you think that’s his real name?”

I look at him like he’s crazy. I whisper back. “Uh, yes. He’s not giving us a fake name.”

Dr. McCrevis continues. “You all will spend the next four months in the ER.” We look at each other in shock. None of us signed up for that.

“I know it’s unconventional, but the ER is a wonderful place to get your feet wet. You see everything, and you’ll see it happening at a rapid pace. You’ll learn how to think quickly on your feet. We’re making life and death decisions on a daily basis. It’s my belief that the ER will get you the foundation that you need. It’s not to say you won’t be able to observe surgeries, you will. There will be plenty of emergency surgery situations that come through the ER.”

The new surgical nurses will join you so that you can get comfortable working with one another. After your time in the ER, which will be about four months, you’ll transition here to the surgical floor. That will be just after the new year. You’ll be a part of surgeries in neuro, cardio, ortho, obstetrics, and several others. At some point, each of you will gravitate towards one over the others. There’s no need to make the decision now. It may change once you spend time in trenches.”

Just then, someone catches the attention of Dr. McCrevis. “Dr. Waters, can you come in here.” Ugh. I had almost forgotten that I would run into him. Fortunately, he’s not in charge of the residency program in neuro.

Dr. Waters comes in and gives me a slimy smile. “Dr. Waters, please meet our new surgical residents. Group, this is Dr. Gregory Waters, a brilliant neurosurgeon. He’ll be co-running the neuro part of the residency program.” What? That is not who is supposed to be in charge. I can’t believe this.

“Hello all. Welcome to Pennsylvania Hospital. Dr. Lawrence, it’s so good to see one of my former students accepted into our surgical residency program.” He looks me up and down in a way that makes my skin crawl.

I give my best fake smile. “Good to see you too, Dr. Waters.” I probably should say that I look forward to working with him, but I can’t muster a second lie.

Fortunately, Dr. McCrevis begins speaking again. “Oh right, Dr. Lawrence went to medical school right here. I don’t spend any time with medical students, but I thought you looked familiar. How lovely to have one of our own here with us.” He gives me a genuine smile, and I give him one in return. “Well gang, let’s head down to the ER. Thanks for stopping by Dr. Waters.”

He looks me up and down again. “The pleasure was all mine. I can’t wait to get my hands on you guys.” I shiver.

As we’re walking down the hallway to the ER, Michele whispers in my ear. “Was it me or did Dr. Waters give you one creepy eye fuck?”

“It wasn’t you. He’s extremely creepy. Don’t let yourself end up in a room alone with him. He’s a sleaze. What happened to Dr. Mancini? I thought he was in charge of the neurosurgical residents.”

“You must not have heard. The hospital kept it under wraps. He got fired. Apparently, it was ugly. I heard he was caught in a supply closet with a resident. He was immediately asked to resign. That’s hearsay though. I don’t know anything firsthand. It was definitely something scandalous though. His exit was very sudden.”

“Oh shit. I had no clue. Well, if it’s against the rules for attendings to fraternize with residents, then perhaps Dr. Waters will keep his distance from us.”

“Yea, that guy didn’t really look like he’s planning on distancing himself from you.” She’s not wrong. Damn it. I can never get away from this crap. It follows me everywhere.

I have lunch with my fellow residents that day. John and Michele are very funny. I feel like they’re flirting with each other. Marc is quiet and doesn’t offer much to the conversation.

John tells us that when he was in college, he used to make money as a mascot for a professional sports team. I can see him having the personality for that. He tells us how many attractive women wanted to sleep with a mascot. He said he would have sex with random women after every single game.

We’re laughing at how ridiculous this is. I can’t help but ask the obvious question. “Did you wear your mascot uniform when you had sex with them?”

“Yes, they always wanted me to keep the mascot head on.”

We’re hysterically laughing now. Michele looks at all of us. “Is that a fetish now? Mascot sex?”

I shrug my shoulders. I have no clue. But John says, “Yes.” Michele’s eating up every word out of his mouth. There’s something brewing with these two. I’m just happy to sit and laugh though.



