Page 5 of Dr. Harley

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“I didn’t give him the chance. I wouldn’t even give him my name.” I pause for a moment, not making eye contact with any of them. “And it was against the wall on the roof of the club.”

Reagan, Skylar, and Aunt Cass look at each other with their mouths wide open in shock. Reagan turns back. “I’m not even joking. Who are you? Where’s Harley?”

“Shut up.” I put my head in my hands. “I don’t know what came over me.”

“Sounds like he came over you, or was it under you?” Skylar is clearly amusing herself.

I give her a nasty look. “The last month has been hell. I lost my father. I have a shell of a mother. I’m about to start a hellish year of studying with no chance at dating. A gorgeous guy wanted me, and I went with it. For the first time in my life, I went with it. It was great. It was more than great. But it’s over now. School starts tomorrow. Back to the grind.”

Reagan rubs my back. “Good. For. You, sis. I’m thrilled for you.”

Aunt Cass grabs all of our hands, looking sad. “I know your mother is a shell of herself right now. She’s only forty-five and she lost the love of her life. Just give her some time. She’ll be back to her old awesome self in no time. I promise.”

I hope she’s right.

* * *

It’s Monday morning.My first day of the second year of medical school. I see my friend Megan when I walk in. “Hey Meg. What class do you have this morning?”

“Hey babe. I have neuro.”

“Me too. Who do you have?”

“I have Dr. Waters.” She scrunches up her nose. “I had him last year too, for anatomy. He’s old as dirt and boring as fuck.” He’s actually only in his forties, but he’s definitely a boring teacher. He’s a little creepy too. He used to stare at me and unnecessarily touch my arm whenever he was near me.

“True, he is a bit dull. I must be in a different section this year. I have the new professor, Dr. Cooper. He’s supposed to be the best spinal surgeon in the country. I heard he’s young, so maybe he’ll be more interesting.”

“I hope so. I’ll see you for lunch?”

I nod. “Yep, see you then.”

I make my way into the classroom. The professor hasn’t arrived yet. I sit front and center, as always. Students are filing in. Though there are plenty of empty seats, two guys sit on either side of me and smile at me. I roll my eyes.

The classroom eventually fills and it’s 8:00, our start time. There’s a faculty only door at the front of the classroom. It opens and a tall man walks through with his head down. He eventually looks up at no one in particular and smiles. “Good morning class. I’m Dr. Cooper.”

Oh my fucking God. It’s Brody. He sets his stuff down and then looks up, right at me. His smile instantly fades and his eyes just about pop out of his head in realization.

I can’t believe this. I had sex with my neuro professor. This is bad. Really bad.




I’m completely freaking out. This cannot be happening. It’s the green-eyed, brunette bombshell with the killer body. The goddess that I haven’t been able to get out of my mind since Saturday. The first woman in my thirty-two years that left me wanting for more. She’s sitting right here in my class as my student. What are the chances?

I can’t manage to put words together right now. I’m in shock. Judging by the look on her face, she’s in shock too. Everyone is staring at me, but I can’t seem to get a sentence out of my mouth. Get it together, Brody.

I try to gather myself. “Um, hello. Like I said, I’m Dr. Cooper. I’ll be your neurology professor this term. We’ll learn how to diagnose and treat conditions and diseases involving the central and peripheral nervous systems.”

I look around. No one seems to notice that I’m off-kilter. “A little about me. I am a neurosurgeon myself. Kind of like Dr. McDreamy on Grey’s Anatomy.” I pause and get a few laughs.

“I work across the street at Pennsylvania Hospital, specializing in complex spinal cord injuries. I grew up in Southern California, where I went to school and worked up until two weeks ago when I moved here. As part of my job at Pennsylvania Hospital, they asked that I teach one class here with the purpose being to impart my experience and wisdom to the next generation of doctors. So, here I am with you beautiful people.” One beautiful person in particular.

“This is the first class I’ve ever taught, so please bear with me. I may not be very good at it.” I get a few more laughs.

“I’m a big believer in learning beyond the pages of your textbooks. We’ll spend a good amount of time discussing real cases, and you all will spend time in the lab learning surgical techniques.”
