Page 65 of Dr. Harley

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Aunt Cass turns to me. “I like his backbone.”

She sighs. “Look you two, there’s a storm brewing and it’s headed your way. We’ll see what you’re made of when it’s time to weather it. Both as individuals and as a couple.”

She gives Brody a long, intimidating stare. “Brody, Harley is like a daughter to me. She and her sisters are the closest thing I will ever have to my own children. If you fuck her over, or hurt her in any way, I’ll hunt you down and kill you.” She gives him a big smile. “Enjoy your day.” She swims away.

He looks down at me. “You family is kind of intense, and kind of crazy.”

I laugh. “I told you so.”

We have a little fun after that. Trevor gets a volleyball game going and we have a blast.

Brody is a great athlete, but Mom’s competitiveness wins out in the end. He potentially let her team win to keep her happy.

Jackson has been cooking on the grill for the past hour. We sit down at the outdoor table to start eating.

Mom turns to Brody. “So, Brody, I understand you work at Pennsylvania Hospital as well. Is that where you two met?”

Brody clearly doesn’t know how to respond, not wanting to lie, so I respond for him. “Yeah, Mom. I thought I told you this already. We kind of met once or twice before, given my time working at the hospital during medical school, but we didn’t start dating until the past few months.” Aunt Cass gives me a death stare.

“Oh, I don’t recall you telling me that. Does the hospital have a policy against attendings and residents dating? I assume Brody is an attending.” Mom doesn’t miss a thing.

“He is. It’s not a precise policy, Mom. More like discouraged. We’re not remotely flaunting it at the hospital for the time being. We’re keeping it private.” She nods her head and gives me awe’ll discuss this laterlook.

“Darian, please know that any unfavorable reaction will be directed my way, not Harley’s. Harley’s doing nothing wrong. I’m the attending. Any and all consequences of our actions will be mine. I would never let anything jeopardize her career.” I squeeze his hand in thanks, but Mom still doesn’t look satisfied.

Trevor breaks the tension. “So, do you get it on in the on-call rooms?” Brody starts coughing. Trevor and Reagan laugh while high fiving. “I told you, Hayden. It’s exactly like Grey’s Anatomy.”

Jackson, always the voice of reason, puts an end to Trevor’s antics. “Trevor, that’s enough. Excuse my six-year-old son, Brody. Why don’t you tell us a little about where you grew up. I understand it was out west. I grew up out west as well, in Colorado.”

Brody smiles at Jackson. “I love Colorado. We used to vacation there. I grew up in Southern California. The Huntington Beach area. My Dad still lives there. He got remarried a few years ago. He and his wife live right on the beach.”

Mom asks, “Is your mother still out there?”

“She actually passed when I was a teenager.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Thank you.”

Trevor asks, “Do you surf?”

“I do. I own a place now at the bea…” He smiles at me. “…shore so that I can keep up with surfing now and then. Though the waves here aren’t quite the same as Huntington Beach.”

Mom looks at me. “Harley, have you been to his shore house?”

“I have. It’s beautiful. You know I love it down there.”

She looks at Brody. “How long have you had the place?” She’s fishing for information. She knows my story doesn’t quite make sense.

“I settled at the end of December when I moved back to the area. I told Harley this when I bought it, but you’re all more than welcome down there. I bought it with family in mind. It has plenty of space.” Mom gives me a look. She knows something is off. Why does she have to be so damn smart?

Trevor smiles. “Sweet. I may take you up on that. I love it down there too. What else do you do for fun?”

“I’m fairly athletic, so anything along those lines when I can find the time. Frankly, my job keeps me busy, but I love to go dancing with Harley.” He winks at me. Reagan and Skylar smile.

Trevor laughs. “I didn’t realize that Harley ever goes out. What’s your favorite spot?”

“I guess we like Club Liberty, right Harley?” He winks again. This time Reagan, Skylar, Payton, Trevor, and Hayden all burst out laughing, now knowing exactly who was there with me for my hot roof sex.
