Page 13 of Daulton

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Harley nods. “And my ass. I’m telling you, it’s better than waxing.”

I smile. “Does it taste like sugar afterward?”

Harley smiles back in challenge. “I don’t know. I guess you’d have to ask Brody.”

Mom sighs. “Okay, I’ve had enough of this conversation. We’ll just see you after your appointment.”

She turns to Skylar. “Skylar, how are things at the office?” Skylar started working for Jackson after she graduated business school this past year.

“Honestly, great. Way better than I expected. You know I was hesitant about the whole situation. It’s fun to see Jackson in a different light, though. I’m used to watching him hang all over you, but he’s different at work. He’s smart. Like crazy smart.”

Mom nods. “Yes, I know.”

“He’s also very much the boss man, unlike at home when he’s pretty much thedo whatever the fuck Darian wantsman.”

We all giggle. It’s true.

“Trevor and Payton are smart too, though in different ways. Payton is the numbers guy behind the scenes, and Trevor is the ideas guy. Jackson can do it all, but he lets them do their thing at times. He’s teaching me all of it and letting me decide where I want to eventually land.”

“Is Donna helpful?” Jackson’s assistant Donna is like a mother to Jackson.

“Donna’s great. A first I thought she was just happy to have another female in the office, but there are like fifty female associates. I realized that she likes me because she knows I have inside information on Jackson. She asks me about you all the time, Mom.”

“Me? Why?”

“I think she just likes to be in the know, and Jackson can be tight lipped. She did say that Jackson has become a completely different man since you guys got together.”

“Really? How so?”

“She said he was all work and no play before you two met. She said he never seemed completely happy, and now that’s changed. He works half as much and he’s blissfully happy all the time.”

Mom smiles at that. “That’s nice to hear. He makes me happy too.”

I jokingly roll my eyes at my sisters. “Yes, we know.”

* * *

Later that night,I’m pacing in front of Mom and Jackson’s house. Carter is meeting me here in a few minutes. I’m nervous as hell. I’m not sure why. If this doesn’t work out, I’m exactly where I started, but I do have something pretty big to gain. I wouldn’t mind if this works and I eliminate the stress of dealing with Carter’s father.

When I texted him the time and address earlier, he asked me what to wear. It struck me as funny, until I realized that he meant casual or formal. Why would anyone dress formally to a Sunday night family dinner at home?

Carter pulls up in a huge Range Rover. For some reason, I assumed he’d be in little, expensive sports car.

He gets out of his car and smiles at me. He isreallygood-looking. He’s in a sweater and jeans and, damn, he looks edible. He seems a little clean-cut and straitlaced for me, but there’s no denying that he’s an attractive man.

I pull myself out of my thoughts. I’m doing this for my business. Nothing else.

I look at him. “I’m surprised you don’t drive a little sports car.”

“I’m a big man, Reagan. Everywhere. I can’t fit into a little car. Small sports cars are for men with a little man complex.” He holds out his pinkie and wiggles it. “I have no complex whatsoever.” He flashes me a big grin.

“I suppose your ego couldn’t fit into a small car either.” This conversation feels eerily familiar. I don’t know why.

His grin only grows as he kisses my cheek. “Wow, you look beautiful.”

“No flirting, Carter. We have rules.”

“We’re supposed to be dating. I think some amount of flirting is expected.”
