Page 15 of Daulton

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Aunt Cass then offers her arm. “Put some on me.”

Harley lathers her arm and tries to roll it. Aunt Cass screams in pain. Harley scrunches her nose. “I’m definitely not doing it right. I’m telling you it doesn’t hurt when the woman does it to me.”

“Well, it fucking hurts me.”

Trevor brings her a warm washcloth and cleans her arm. He kisses her temple. “Better, Sexy?”

She nods her head. Their domestic bliss is still unsettling to me at times.

We eventually make our way to the dinner table. As we start eating, Aunt Cass looks between Carter and me. “Tell me, Reagan, why are you bringing a guy to meet your family when you haven’t even had sex with him yet?”

Carter looks at me wide-eyed. I can’t help but smile. Yep, this is my family.

Jackson looks up at the ceiling. “One meal. I’d like to get through one meal without talking about sex or vaginas or anything along those lines.”

Aunt Cass laughs. “Jackson, we all know you’ll be dry humping Darian as soon as we head back to the family room after dinner, so just zip it. I want to know what’s up with Reagan.”

Carter turns to her. “What makes you so sure, Cassandra?”

Harley rolls her eyes. “Aunt Cass thinks she has a sexth sense. She believes she has a keen and intuitive sense for sex.”

“I do have a sexth sense, and I know I’m right.”

Trevor nods. “I agree with Cassandra. Reagan isn’t getting any. She hasn’t for a while.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “That’s because you’re the world’s biggest cockblocker, Trevor. And you’re only agreeing with her so she’ll let you in her pants later.”

He deadpans, “She’ll let me in her pants no matter what. She never says no. That’s why I married her.”

Mom clinks her glass with that of Aunt Cass. “That’s why we’re best friends. We’re so alike. Even our men look alike.” They both laugh.

Jackson shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Carter. I’d like to say this isn’t a normal conversation for our family, but unfortunately it is.”

Carter laughs. “I think it’s great. You’re all so comfortable and relaxed with each other. I grew up with formal dinners every night. I literally had to wear a jacket and tie to dinner in my own house. I still do. Sex wasn’t a word that was ever mentioned. We barely conversed at all, let alone about sex. I think my mother still spells S-E-X around me, like I’m three years old and can’t spell.”

We all laugh, but Aunt Cass is still staring at me waiting for an answer.

“Aunt Cass, I’m still healing from birthing your demon children. I’m a little trigger shy, and Carter has been really patient with me. Cut us some slack.”

“He’s held off an entire week. Get the man a medal of honor,” she says sarcastically.

Fortunately, Aunt Cass turns her attention to her sister. “Speaking of people not having sex, girls, you need to find a man for Beth.”

Beth shakes her head. “Cassandra, I’m dating. I don’t need them to fix me up like some pathetic project.”

“Dating and having sex are two different things. You need to get laid.”

Jackson just shakes his head and rolls his eyes. “Ugh. Can we please change the topic of conversation?”

Aunt Cass points at him. “Shut it. You have sex like three times a day. This poor woman hasn’t had sex in two years.”

Beth covers her face in embarrassment. “Oh my god. Thanks, Cassandra.”

Harley looks at Brody and he nods. “Beth, there’s a new doctor at the hospital. He’s cute. He’s around Brody’s age. I’m pretty sure he’s single. We could set it up if you want.”

Before Beth has time to answer, Aunt Cass answers for her. “Yes, set it up for next week. Trevor and I will go with them.”

“Cassandra, you’re not coming with me on a first date. You’ll interrogate him on his dick size and stamina in bed before I even catch his name.”
