Page 20 of Daulton

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“But it’s obvious you’re very taken with one another.”

I smile at Reagan and nod. “We are.”

I see Reagan white knuckle gripping her chair. I need to change topics before her head explodes. “Dad, any plans to take out the boat?”

“Yes, actually. We were thinking of doing so in the next few weeks. I know it’s still a little cold, but perhaps we can chase a nice day. We would love for you two to join us.”

My mother’s face lights up. “That would be wonderful.”

Reagan gives me a reluctant, subtle nod. “We would love to.”

Dad smiles. “Great. I look forward to seeing Reagan in a bathing suit.”

I have no words for that.

Reagan nearly chokes on her drink.

* * *

Our ride home is quiet.As we get closer, Reagan turns to me. “I’m sorry, Carter, but your father may actually be the biggest asshole I’ve ever met.”

I laugh. “I told you so.”

“I don’t think I fully appreciated it until I met him.”

“It’s hard to imagine a human being acting that way, isn’t it?”

She nods but is otherwise quiet.

We arrive at her place. “Carter, I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t think I can be around him.”

“I get it, but doesn’t it fuel your fire to take someone like him down? That’s what drives me.”

“Honestly, Carter, it’s hard to watch you around him. You’re… you’re… spineless.”

It hurts to hear her say that. I’m not spineless, I’m playing his game. “Reagan, I promise you that I stick it to him whenever I can. That’s part of why he hates me so much. But right now, I feel like if I play into his hands, then I can wash my hands of him for good. I’m giving up the battles to win the war. Thanks to you, there’s a real possibility of it happening soon.”

She takes a deep breath. “I suppose. He’s really demeaning, Carter. I get that I’m fortunate in the type of men I’ve had in my life, but I’ve never been treated the way he treated me tonight. It’s unsettling.”

I turn to her. “I know we aren’t friends and don’t know each other very well, but I hope you know that I one hundred percent agree with you. His treatment of women, including my own mother, makes me sick to my stomach. I don’t know where he got it from. I never saw my grandfather being anything other than respectful to women. If you look up Daulton Holdings’ history, you’ll see that my grandfather had an enlightened approach to the hiring of women back in the day. He was a pioneer in the area regarding female executives. It’s gone to shit since my father took over, but my goal is to bring back what my grandfather started. I give you my word.”

She’s quiet again. “I don’t know if I see a light at the end of this tunnel.”

“When he banished you and my mother to the kitchen, I explained what marrying you would mean. He was ecstatic with my alleged plan. That’s why he brought out the ridiculous bottle of champagne. I’m telling you - this could really work. Please give it a little more time. I’m begging you to give it a chance.”

“I don’t know that I can keep my mouth shut like I did tonight. It was hard for me. I’ve honestly never done that before in my life. It’s not who I am.”

“I’m so sorry. Let’s limit your interactions with him as best we can. I’ll step in when it gets bad. Just understand that we’re playing roles right now, and we both have to bite our tongues for the long play. We’re acting to each get what we want from him. There’s an end game that includes you getting him to leave your business alone and him losing all his power. I think it’s a worthwhile game.”

She looks torn as she pulls out her cell phone. “I got a text when we were at dinner. My whole family is going to Brody and Harley’s beach house this weekend. Obviously, it isn’t beach weather, but he has a hot tub and a firepit. They invited you.” She bites her lip. “What do you think?”

“You can leave the store for a weekend?”

“It’s just one night and that’s why I have Jasmine now, so I can have a little more free time.”

“I’d like to come if you’re okay with that.”

“Can I think about it?”
