Page 63 of Daulton

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We’re sitting on the beach on our final full day. Reagan and Carter are in the water together. They’re laughing as he tosses her around in the deeper water. I’m sitting with Harley, Mom, and Aunt Cass. Everyone else is in the shallow water with the kids.

Harley looks at Reagan and Carter laughing. “Does anyone else think that Reagan and Carter are acting totally differently now than they were a few weeks ago? They’re not the same couple they were just a month or so ago.”

Mom asks, “How do you mean?”

We all look their way and see them now in chest deep water with Reagan’s legs wrapped around Carter while they’re kissing.

“I mean, a few months ago in the hot tub, she was clearly uncomfortable just sitting on his lap in front of us. I don’t remember them touching at all for months. Now they’re in the ocean practically having sex in front of us. They might actually be having sex right now. They were never thiscan’t keep their hands off each othercouple they now seem to be. Their entire demeanor is different. It’s more than just the natural progression of a relationship. They went from nothing to excessive in the blink of an eye.”

Mom shrugs her shoulders. “I frankly assumed that maybe she was having a few post-pregnancy intimacy and body image issues at the time. That’s very normal. They’re engaged now. Maybe they’re just more comfortable showing their love in front of all of us.”

Harley looks at Mom like she’s crazy. “Since when has Reagan ever been uncomfortable showing physical affection to a boyfriend? Half the time I think she does it just to get a rise out of all of us. And trust me, she has no intimacy or body issues at all. We woke them up recently when we were at his place. They were like shameless, naked, wild animals. I know my sister. There’s something peculiar going on. Something we’re all missing.”

I nod. “I agree with Harley. The engagement is weird. It was sudden and we knew nothing about it until after the fact. They haven’t had any celebration. Reagan hasn’t mentioned the wedding or any future plans. When Harley and I were at Carter’s, it was clear they haven’t discussed where they’ll be living or when they’re moving in together. The whole thing is strange.”

Mom slowly nods in agreement. “She won’t have a conversation about planning a wedding. She said they want a long engagement.” Mom thinks for a moment. “You know, you’re right. I don’t think I saw them being affectionate with each other once before they got engaged. That was why the engagement was so shocking to me. I didn’t realize things had progressed so far for them. Maybe she was saving herself for after that?”

Harley and I burst out laughing. Even Mom laughs at the absurdity of her comment. Harley eventually calms down. “Reagan isnotthe save herself type. She’s more of theyou don’t buy a shoe without trying it ontype.”

“Hmmm. Maybe you two are right. Now that you say it out loud, it’s all a bit off kilter.”

Aunt Cass turns and looks the other way. Mom notices her movement. “What do you know, witch?”

“Um, nothing.”

Mom narrows her eyes. “Now I know you know something. Spill it.”

“It’s not my business to tell. Talk to Reagan.”

She looks at Harley and me and sighs. “Fine. Let’s plan to sit down with her as soon as we get back from Mexico.” She turns back to Aunt Cass. “Why do you always know more shit about my kids than I do?”

“You know I have special senses and abilities. I’m practically a superhero, Dare. I read people for a living. I can’t just turn it off. It’s part of my genius.”

We all roll our eyes.

Trevor walks up to us and then bends down to kiss Aunt Cass. I still find it odd that they’re together.

“Have you heard from my mom?”

Aunt Cass smiles. “Yes, I did. The kids are fine. She said it’s nice out so she’s taking them down to the river for a walk after their naps.”

Trevor and Aunt Cass decided the twins were too young to make the long trip to Mexico, so Melissa is watching them for the weekend. There was something weird that happened when they dropped the twins to Melissa before we left, but both of them are being tight-lipped about it.

He reaches down, grabs a T-shirt, and puts in on.

I hadn’t noticed the T-shirt earlier. “Does that shirt sayGot DILF?”

He looks at me and smiles. “It sure does.”

Aunt Cass shakes her head. “He has like ten of them in all different colors. He wears them to every one of Dylan and Brandon’s Mommy and Me classes that he insists on attending.”

We laugh.

“It’s a conversation starter. I need people to know who the hot dad’s going to be.”

Aunt Cass pulls him down to sit in her chair. “Secretariat, look at you. It’s implied that you’re the hot dad. You don’t need the shirt to prove it.”

He nibbles at her lips. “As long as you still think I’m a DILF, since my pregnancy weight hasn’t come off.”
