Page 10 of Remy

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“Where can I find this sweet thing?” Tiger asked.

Remy hesitated.

Hank grinned. “You can trust Tiger. He’s a big talker, but he’s actually afraid of women.”

Tiger’s eyebrows descended. “Don’t know where you got that idea. I love women.”

“If they’re under eight years old or over eighty. Anything in between, you run from.”

Tiger snorted. “I call it self-preservation.”

Remy gave him the name of the hospital and Shelby’s room number. “Her name is Shelby Taylor. She’s a sheriff’s deputy.”

“So don’t pull any fast ones, right, or she’ll serve my balls on a platter?” Tiger laughed at his own words. “Got it. I can be there in twenty minutes, depending on traffic.”

“I’ll have Remy on a plane as soon as possible. He should be there no later than tomorrow morning,” Hank said. “Earlier if I can arrange it.”

“I’m good for as long as you need me,” Tiger said. “Out here.”

“Out here,” Hank echoed.

The big screen went black.

Hank turned to Swede. “I’ll need—”

“I’ve put our pilot on alert. He’ll have the flight plan recorded, the plane fueled, and the pre-flight checklist complete in under an hour.”

Hank grinned. “That gives us time to drive Remy to the airport in Bozeman.” He turned to Remy.

“I can have my bags packed in ten minutes.” He turned to the men he’d selected for his team. “Welcome to Brotherhood Protectors. I’m glad you made it here and agreed to sign on to this organization. Are you all ready to go to work?”

“Yes, sir!” the men shouted like basic trainees to their drill instructor.

Remy grinned. “Good. So am I. I’d hoped to spend time with each of you to get to know you and answer whatever questions you might have, but Hank will do a much better job as he’s been at this a lot longer than I have. I only have a couple of weeks on you, and I haven’t had my first assignment.”

“You just got it,” Hank said softly. “Shelby Taylor needs protection.”

Remy gave his new boss a crooked grin. “You’re right.”

“How do you know whether or not she can pay for the protection?” Lucas asked.

Hank opened his mouth to address the man’s question.

Remy held up his hand before Hank could say anything. “Can I answer that?”

Hank dipped his head.

“I spoke with some of the Brotherhood Protectors before I agreed to hire on with Hank. They all had the same things to say. Hank’s great to work with. It’s a team where everyone helps where needed. The best part is that we take on cases whether they can pay or not. Bottom line is we help people. Hank and Sadie will fund where others are unable to pay for our services. They want every client who needs help to get it, regardless of their financial situation.”

Hank nodded. “You’d be surprised how many people who can afford to pay donate to our organization to help others. Our good deeds are noticed and rewarded so that we can continue to help others.”

“I know you came today for some kind of orientation,” Remy said. “I wanted you all to meet and get to know each other because we’ll be starting up a new branch of the Brotherhood Protectors in Louisiana. We don’t yet have a location for our office, but I’ll be working on that as well. You’re all scheduled to come on board in the next few weeks. Between me, Hank and Swede, we hope to have something set up by then.”

“I’m ready to deploy—go now. I came here with my go bag,” Gerard said. “I don’t need a fancy office to get started.”

“Same,” Lucas said.

“Count me in,” came a chorus of responses from the others.
