Page 12 of Remy

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“Bear spray?” Remy laughed. “As far as I know, we don’t have bears in the bayou.”

“No, but it’s pepper spray, and maybe it will help keep the alligators away or any human aggressors.”

“I read that pepper spray is not as effective on alligators,” Remy said. “

Gerard chimed in. “Because of their thick hides, the pepper spray doesn’t penetrate as well. I must have read the same article. Anything about alligators catches my attention. I used to help my uncle remove alligators out of residential areas in Lafayette.”

“I knew there was a reason we needed you on the team.” Remy tossed the equipment bag into the rear of the vehicle. “Thanks, Hank. I’m sure we’ll need all of this and then some.”

“As soon as you find a place to set up shop, we’ll order what you need,” Hank said. “In the meantime, let us know if you want anything. We can get things shipped quickly.”

“Thanks.” Remy held out his hand.

Hank took it in a firm grip and met his gaze. “I hope Shelby recovers quickly. And just as important, I hope you find who was responsible in the first place.”

Remy’s jaw hardened. “We will.”

Remy wanted to be there when she woke. The sooner she could tell them what had happened, the better.

Until they found who’d attacked Shelby, she’d remain a target.

Knowing the stubborn, independent sheriff’s deputy, she’d want to get right back to work. If she was still unconscious hours and maybe days after her injury, she must have suffered a concussion or some other brain injury. Surely, the doctor wouldn’t clear her to return to work right away. She’d be pissed and probably try to solve her own case while off-duty.

Which would make his job more difficult. But he was up for the challenge. Remy planned on sticking to Shelby like fly paper. He’d stay with her twenty-four-seven until her attackers were caught.

Remy grinned. He’d definitely get under her skin. All that togetherness would give him a chance to get to know her better and her to get to know him. For the woman who’d insisted on only a one-night stand, she might chafe at his incessant presence. Or, she might come to the same conclusion Remy had already reached.

One night together hadn’t been nearly enough.

He climbed into the front passenger seat of the SUV. Gerard sat behind him. As Chuck drove away from the ranch house, Remy looked back at the men he and Hank had chosen for the newest regional office of the Brotherhood Protectors. They’d soon become the Bayou Brotherhood Protectors, helping people in difficult situations.

His retirement from the Navy wasn’t going to be all about fishing and playing golf. He had a real job that promised to keep him challenged and engaged for a very long time.

Starting with the mission of protecting Shelby Taylor.

He leaned forward in his seat, willing the SUV to go faster. The sooner they got to the airport, the sooner he’d get to Shelby.

Remy glanced at his watch. Tiger should be arriving at the hospital. If he had cell phone reception, he’d call the man for an update.

Driving through the Crazy Mountains wasn’t conducive to great cell phone coverage. He wouldn’t get a call through until they got closer to Bozeman.

Until then, Remy sat in tense silence, his thoughts running through every possible scenario that could be taking place at the hospital where Shelby had been taken.

Every five minutes, Remy glanced down at his cell phone, willing the No Service message to go away and several bars indicating reception to appear.

They were less than a mile outside of Bozeman when he finally had enough reception to call Tiger.

The man answered on the first ring. “Yo, Tiger speaking.”

“It’s Remy.” His heart beat so hard that the pulse pounding in his ears made it difficult to hear. “Are you with Shelby?”

“Roger,” Tiger said.

“How is she?” Remy asked, his hand tightening around the cell phone.

Tiger let out a long sigh. “Still among the living. As far as the doctor knows, she hasn’t regained consciousness since they brought her here. They did a CT scan but didn’t find anything.”

“No brain bleeds?”
