Page 29 of Remy

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Chrissy chuckled. “That’s what was so disturbing. You cried so hard you made yourself sick. Even my gumbo wouldn’t console you.”

A vague memory swam through the fog in her head. She was crying, and Chrissy was holding her, telling her he’d be back someday.

“That was Remy?” Shelby asked.

“Yes, it was.”

“I remember the names of everyone who lives in town, but for the life of me, I don’t remember his.” Shelby continued to stare at the man, wondering why her brain had blocked her memories of Remy.

“That’s so weird,” Chrissy said. “But don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get those memories back. Give your head time to recover. Did the police catch the guy who tried to smother you in the hospital?”

“No.” Shelby noticed Remy and Mitch shaking hands. Remy turned to Shelby and waved for her to join him. “I have to go now. I’ll touch bases with you as soon as I know anything.”

“Will Remy be staying with you until they figure out who attacked you in the bayou?”


“Sleeping in your house?” her sister persisted.

Heat burned in Shelby’s cheeks. “In the spare bedroom.”

“Uh-huh,” her sister said with her mama-can-see-right-through-you tone. “Just remember to use protection.”

“It’s not like that,” Shelby insisted. “He’s only there to have my back until we find out who’s behind all this bullshit.”

“Oh, sweetie. I’m so sorry this is happening. You should come stay with us.”

“No,” Shelby was quick to say. “I’m staying as far from you, Alan and the kids as possible. I don’t want any of you to be collateral damage if they make another attempt on my life.”

“You think they’ll try again?” Chrissy asked.

“Yeah.” She drew in a breath. “That’s why Remy is sending over one of his guys to hang out with your family. He’ll be your protection until we don’t need it anymore.”

“Wow. You’re scaring me even more than I was scared for you,” Chrissy said softly. A baby cried in the background. “Shh, Marty. I’ll be there in just a minute,” she called out.

“Thing is, we don’t want people to think we’re hiring bodyguards,” Shelby said. “Gerard Guidry is headed your way as we speak. Have Alan fake-hire him to help in the store. It gives him a valid reason to be with your family. And he’s new in town, so he’ll need a place to stay.’

“The newly renovated bonus room would work, don’t you think?” Chrissy offered.

Shelby grinned. “That would be perfect. That way, it looks like he has his own digs from the outside, but he’ll also have access to the house should you need his help.”

“Boy, you’d think small towns were safer than the city,” her sister said. “Right now, I’m not so sure.”

“Gerard, like the rest of the guys who work with Remy and his boss, are highly trained, special operations types. He’ll take good care of you.”

“Makes me feel marginally better,” Chriss said. “And for the record, Remy and I never slept together. We dated, but I didn’t sleep with him.”

“Did you break up with him?” Shelby asked.

Chrissy chuckled. “I did. I think he was surprised. He was usually the one who broke up with the girls. But we parted friends. He wanted excitement and adventure. To see the world and get the hell out of Bayou Mambaloa. I wanted a home, stability, a husband who came home every night and, of course, children.” She laughed. “I got everything I dreamed of, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

“Until we get a handle on this situation, be super aware of strangers,” Shelby warned.

“I will. And you be careful,” Chrissy said. “You’re the only sister I have and my best friend. I almost lost you once. Don’t let that happen again.”

Shelby grinned. “Yes, ma’am.” She ended the call and joined Remy on the jetty where he stood beside a small aluminum boat with a thirty-horsepower outboard motor attached to the back, chugging in the water, coughing out puffs of smoke every so often.

Shelby cocked an eyebrow. “That’s all Mitch had?”
