Page 75 of Remy

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“The farm just outside of town?”

“That’s me,” she said. “I’d heard you and Shelby were able to stop a cartel from using our town in their drug trafficking operations and how you had that man, Thomas Sanders, arrested for the murder of Ethan Fontenot.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Remy said. “That’s all true.”

After they’d subdued Sanders’ henchman and Lissette, the sheriff had set up a sting with the DEA. Lissette had confessed to accessory to murder for a lighter sentence and spilled everything she knew about Thomas Sanders. The sting operation netted Sanders and a stockpile of crates full of drugs.

“I asked Shelby if she could help me,” Bernie said. “She told me I should speak with you.”

“About?” he prompted.

“She said you could help me with a problem I’ve had recently.”

“What kind of problem?”

“Someone is sabotaging my business,” Bernie said. “The sheriff’s department has no leads, and it’s getting more personal.”

“How so?”

She tipped her head toward the bed of her truck. “They killed Gertrude.”

“Killed who?” Remy dropped down from his truck and strode to the back of hers.

Bernie got out and joined him.

In the truck bed was what appeared to be a large white, dead bird.

“Gertrude was one of the geese I use to keep the bugs down in my garden. I found her lying on my front porch; her neck was broken.” She looked at her dead goose and then at Remy. “Can you help me?”

Not exactly what Remy had expected as their first assignment after protecting Shelby, but he knew they’d work it. Someone needed help. They were there to provide it.

“Miss Bellamy,” he started.

“Ms. Bellamy,” she corrected. “I’m a widow.”

“Ms. Bellamy, we’d be glad to help you. I’ll send someone over right away.”

“I don’t have much money to pay you with, but I can trade your services for my produce.”

“We’ll work it out,” he assured her.

Bernie gave him a weak smile. “Thank you. I didn’t know where else to go.”

“You’ve come to the right place. The Bayou Brotherhood Protectors are here to help.”

As Bernie climbed into her truck and left, Remy was already on his phone.

“Gerard, I have an assignment for you.”

“Great. I’m ready. What do I have to do?”

“I need you to find out who killed Bernie Bellamy’s goose.”

“I’m sorry. Did you say goose?”

“I did.” Remy grinned.

“Uh. Okay. I guess,” Gerard said. “When do I start?”
