Page 9 of Remy

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In the background, Remy could hear a man’s voice say, “Give it to me.”

A moment later, that man spoke clearly, “Remy, this is Alan. My wife seems to think you can help her sister. But from what I understand, you’re clear across the country in Montana. What she needs is a bodyguard sitting with her until she wakes up and can tell the police who did this to her. The hospital’s security is understaffed, as is the New Orleans Police Department. Chrissy’s afraid whoever tried to kill her will try again. I don’t want her there if that someone comes back. She’s not trained in self-defense, and they don’t allow guns in the hospital.”

Remy spun and pushed through the front door of the ranch house. “Text me the name of the hospital and the room number. I’ll get someone there within the next hour to keep watch over her until I can get there.”

“Will do,” Alan said. “I’d go myself, but my parents are out of town, and they can’t take the boys. One of my refrigerators decided to quit, and I have a truckload of perishables to be unloaded.”

“I’ll take care of her,” Remy said. “I’ll get back to you when I’ve firmed up my plans. You take care of your family.”

“I’ll let Chrissy know you’re on it,” Alan said. “Thanks, Remy.”

Remy ended the call and followed the sound of voices and laughter emanating from the large kitchen.

When he entered, all faces turned toward him.

Hank held his son, McClain, in his arms while his daughter, Emma, clung to one of his legs. “What’s wrong?” he asked, handing the boy to Sadie.

She took McClain and reached for Emma’s hand.

“I have a situation in New Orleans and Bayou Mambaloa that I’ll need your help to handle in the short run until I can get down there.”

Hank lifted his head toward the living room. “Now’s as good a time as any for your new team to see how we do things in the Brotherhood Protectors. Let’s take it to the war room.”

Swede was already on his way out of the kitchen with Remy on his heels.

When Swede reached the hidden door to the staircase leading down to the basement headquarters, he opened a panel, pressed his thumb to the print scanner and bent his tall frame to the eye reader. The door slid open. As he descended the staircase, motion detectors switched on lights, and soon, the entire basement was lit.

Hank fell in beside Remy. “Give me the Sitrep.”

“Shelby Taylor was found unconscious on her overturned boat in the bayou. They airlifted her to a New Orleans hospital. She hasn’t regained consciousness. Late last night, someone entered her room and tried to smother her—and almost succeeded. The nurses were able to revive her, but they don’t have the staffing to guard her while she’s there.”

“I have an old Navy buddy who lives in New Orleans. Tyson King. We called him Tiger.” Hank shot a glance across the room. “Swede—”

“On it.” Swede’s fingers flew across the keyboard. He brought up a contacts list, keyed in Tyson King and video-called the number listed.

After the phone rang four times, the large screen at the end of the conference room blinked, and a man’s face appeared. He had shaggy salt-and-pepper hair and a short beard of the same color. He appeared to be seated in an outdoor lounge chair with a beer in one hand. “Hank, you old bastard, are you having a party without me?”

Hank grinned. “Looks like you’re having one of your own.”

“A party of one.” He held up his beer in salute. “To what do I owe this occasion of your call?”

“Are you in New Orleans?”

“I sure as hell am not on a beach in the Bahamas. It’s hot as fuck, and I’m melting in the humidity. Sure could use a trip to Montana about now.” Tiger grinned. “What can I do you for?”

Hank’s grin straightened. “Need a favor.”

All humor left Tiger’s face. “Name it.”

“Got a young lady in a hospital in your lovely city. Someone tried to smother her last night. I need someone to keep an eye on her until my man Remy Montagne can get down there to take over.” Hank draped an arm over Remy’s shoulders.

“Is she pretty?” Tiger asked.

Remy stiffened. The man was older than him, but not much. And he was still in good shape, even if his hair needed a good cut.

“Just kidding,” Tiger said. “I won’t cut in on another man’s woman.”

Remy almost said she’s not my woman but kept his mouth shut. Better to let Tiger think she was his to keep him from hitting on her when she finally woke.
