Page 29 of The Rough Rider

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“So how does it work?” she asked, her curiosity suddenly piqued.

It wasn’t that she didn’t understand why women found Gus attractive. She did. Looking at him now, it was undeniable. Broad shoulders, tall, big hands, muscular. The issue wasn’t his scars. It was that he was older than her, and she’d never thought of him as...asthat.

He’d been larger than life to her from moment one. His status in town was more myth than man, the one who’d gotten rid of Seamus McCloud. He was toomuchto be a mortal.

But as she stared at him, at his profile in the truck, she could see he was incredibly appealing. Big and strong and masculine and he had an edge. He wasn’t pretty like his brothers. He was something else. Something that was a little darker. A bit more dangerous.

“How does what work?” he asked.

“You go out of town hook up. But when you leave town people stare at you.”

“Yeah,” he said, and looked at her sideways. “There’s a kind of girl that’s into it.”

She frowned. “Into what?”

He shook his head and laughed. “Honey, I am not having this conversation with you.”

“I am about to be your wife, Angus McCloud. Who better to talk about your extramarital sexcapades with than me?”

Not that they’d ever discussed such things before. But they were engaged. She was pregnant.

Things changed.

Oh, how things changed.

“All right,” he said. “If you’re so curious. I look like exactly what I am. I’m a big rough beast.” His lips curved into a smile that seemed to catch on her midsection and make it go tight. “And there are plenty of women who want to go on that ride. I’m happy to take them there.Pretty boysdon’t cut it.” His smile turned rueful. And felt pointed, quite frankly. “At least, not for everybody.”

Her throat suddenly felt tight, and she was restless.

A big rough beast...

That didn’t sound like something you could in the cab of the truck.

She would not characterize the sex she’d had asrough. Just brief and deeply unsatisfying.

Gus was so big. Strong. It was far too easy to imagine those big hands wrapped tight around her wrists...

“Don’t think too hard about it,” he said.

“I’m not,” she lied, her face getting very very hot.

“My ass.”

She wheezed. “Well. Okay, I thought about it a little bit. I’m human, Gus.”

He chuckled. “Great.”

They sat in silence for a beat.

“Put your music on,” he said.

So she did, pumping up the volume and singing. Eventually, she rolled the window down, and let the warm air filter through her red hair, blowing it all around them.

She laughed when some of it got in his face, and he smacked it away.

And when his rough fingertips made contact with her arm, she pulled away like she’d been burned. And hoped that he hadn’t seen it.

It was a beautiful drive out to Gold Valley, and the town itself was lovely. Redbrick and Western, and with so many more shops than were in Pyrite Falls.
