Page 40 of The Rough Rider

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GUSGAVEUPon sleep pretty early and went out to the stables. There wasn’t a whole lot of shit to do, but he couldn’t stand being in the house.

Touching her had been a mistake.

He stood there in the dark, hanging on to his hay fork, breathing hard. She was so soft.

And he’d kissed her.


There was no way around it. It would have looked ridiculous for him to not do it. But she was sosweet. He’d known that she would be. But it wasn’t anything like he’d imagined. Mostly because he never let himself fully have that fantasy.

Impressionsof wanting her were one thing, but he didn’t let it get graphic. But hell.Hell.

Now he’d kissed her. He’d tasted her. Sure. It had been nothing like the kind of taste he’d wanted to have. But it had been damn sweet.

She had melted against him. Pressing her breasts against him. She was a curvy little handful. And it was way too easy to imagine...

He cursed, and went back to breaking out the stalls. Hell.

Yeah, this was a special kind of hell.

One with pretty green eyes and fiery red hair.

A particular kind of hell that he sort of wanted to linger in. Because it was...

Well, maybe because he was a martyr.

But when you wanted the wrong things, and you also wanted to be a decent human being, he didn’t know what the alternative was.

She didn’t see him that way. That was the thing.

He could touch her and get a reaction out of her. She was passionate. wasn’t the same.

She’d liked that pretty boy. That pretty boy that was smooth and her age, and not...jacked up. Of course, that guy had been a terrible asshole, but that had nothing to do with how he looked. Or maybe it did. Maybe having it too easy, being far too pretty, had made him into that kind of jackass.

Gus wouldn’t know.

Well, his brothers were pretty boys, and they managed to not behave that way. So who knew? And it wasn’t his business. The guy wasn’t his problem. And they were just doing this for the baby. That was it. And he had to remember that. He had to remember that there was a reason for this, and it wasn’t his own satisfaction.

Hell, Gus didn’t even know what his own satisfaction looked like. He wasn’t sure he’d ever be satisfied. He didn’t feel sorry for himself particularly. But he’d been born into a relatively shitty life, and he’d done the best with that that he could. His life was better now. Had been ever since his old man had been run off. But there was still shit that lingered on. That was the thing. And it made things difficult.

Well. It made things difficult where she was concerned.

He shook his head. He was sick of himself. He was being a whiny-ass bitch.

And he didn’t deal in self-pity. That wasn’t his thing.

So he kept on working. Until his brother showed up. And they didn’t have to know that he’d been out here all night. And Alaina never had to know either.

WHENSHEWOKEup the sun was high in the sky.

She sat up with a start and looked around the room. She wasn’t in her room. Because she was at Gus’s house.

Because she had married Gus yesterday.

And all of it came back to her in a flood of memory. She got out of bed, and gave thanks that at least she didn’t want to throw up.

Then she looked at the stack of boxes around the room and felt...heavy. There was a lot to do.
