Page 45 of The Rough Rider

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“A pleasure. Thank you, Angus.”

“Angus,” Brody said as soon as Elizabeth left. “A pleasure.She’s got a stick up her ass.”

“She’s professional,” Gus said. “Something you wouldn’t know anything about.”

“It’s something I don’t need to know anything about,” Brody said. “Because all this kind of stuff isn’t my problem. The uptight therapist girl is your issue.”

“Not unless I make it yours. Because I’m your boss.”

Brody scowled. And Alaina didn’t think she’d ever seen Brody scowl.

“Are you ready, Gus?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Sure.”

They headed to his truck, and got inside. And for the first time, Alaina wished she would’ve gone back to change. Into something a little bit nicer. Because that Elizabeth had made her feel like a troll.

“What was that about?”


“Alaina McCloud. You haven’t changed your name, mite, at least as far as I know.”

“I will,” she said, sniffing. She buckled her seat belt fiercely and stared out the window. “Anyway, Iamyour wife. I was introducing myself is all.”

“Yes. You are my wife. But that was...that was a little bit of jealousy there, wasn’t it?”

“I am not jealous. Of her. She...she looks like she should be on a yacht. I don’t want to be on a yacht. I’m not seagoing. I am of a mountainous people. And I have no desire to be... No. Not a wayfarer.”

“Okay,” he responded, his tone indicating that he very much thought that she was unhinged.

“Let’s just go to the store.”

“You want to go to John’s or...”

“I’d rather not. I’d rather just skip over to town.”

“All right.”

“Hmm, I need to feed you first. Because you’re being a feral little demon.”

She slapped her thigh. “I thought you were going to be nice to me.”


They didn’t speak as they made their trip toward town. And he took her to the same restaurant for the same burger, and she almost groused about it, except that it really was very good, so her grousing would’ve been disingenuous. They got to the grocery store, and Gus, in his cowboy hat, grabbed the shopping cart and steered it toward the automatic doors. And seeing him do such a mundane act was about the strangest thing she had ever experienced. This domesticated act of being in a grocery store. Pushing a shopping cart. And it made it harder for her to ignore the fact that he was a man. A human man.

Not a bear.

Not a mountain.

And definitely not out of reach.

Her fingertips felt strange.

“Okay. Let’s do this thing,” he said.

“What do you like?”
