Page 56 of The Rough Rider

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He could’ve gone his entire life without experiencingthatmoment. Without turning and seeing Alaina Sullivan looking at him like she wanted to eat him. Lick him. Do all the things to him he’d wanted to do to her for years.

Gus didn’t have any illusions about his looks. His face either freaked women out or it didn’t. They were either into the rough thing or they weren’t. But his face aside, he knew they liked his body. He hadn’t lied to Alaina when he’d said he didn’t work at it. Other than doing labor.

He figured it was his compensation.


There were other things. Other areas where he was blessed generously, and women liked that too.

But he didn’tknowthose women. And it wasn’t often they looked across the bar and stared at him like he was a treat.

And that was how she’d looked at him. Alaina Sullivan.

Alaina McCloud.

She might not have changed her name yet, but it was how she’d introduced herself to Elizabeth the other day in that little fit of jealousy.

The look on her face...

It had not been an innocent expression. And hell, he doubted she had any idea she was putting that out there.

He waited a minute, then went into the house, stopped at his room and pulled a fresh T-shirt on.

Then he went back downstairs to find her standing next to the table. Which was clean.

And there was food on it. And even though they’d made a plan, he just... He wasn’t used to this. And he didn’t know how long it would take him to be.

“Have a seat,” she said.

She went to the fridge and opened it and got out a bottle of beer. Andbrought it to him.

“Thank you,” he said.

“I have a Sprite. No beer for me. Obviously.”

“Yeah,” he said.

She seemed flustered.

“Anyway, the doctor said that I should come in soon. I’ve got an appointment scheduled in a couple of days.”

“Great. Tell me when. I’ll go too.”

“Oh, you don’t...” She tucked a strand of coppery red hair behind her ear. “You don’t have to do that. I mean, it’s probably boring.”

“Why would it be boring? I’m committing to this. To this kid. To this life. Tacos are not boring. This isn’t boring.”

She bit her lip. “Thanks, Gus. That’s... Thank you.”

“No problem.”

She sat down at the table, and started to build herself a taco, and he did the same. She was skittish now. Because she’d noticed him. Noticed his body.

Well, she was absolutely welcome to join his hell. He’d been in it for a number of years now. Didn’t mean there was anything to be done about it. Because if it got like that... Well, if it got like that, it would go to a place he couldn’t. That was the problem. That was the thing.
