Page 87 of The Rough Rider

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She shifted, her chest and stomach fluttering, the place between her thighs pulsing.

Gus had shown her what sex was all about. That was for sure. And he had shown her all the things that she didn’t know.

Except that seemed...too clinical.Sex.

What had happened between the two of them had been something else. It hadn’t been a decision she’d set out to make. It had been undeniable. He’d been at the end of his rope, and so had she. He’d been mean, but he’d been wonderful in turn. Which basically summed up dealing with him in general.

She’d been ferocious, and angry, and filled with need for him. And now...she just felt soft. Pliant and ready to melt into him.

He was so strong.

And so...hard.

In a sexy way, sure. But also in a way that made him and this feel impossible.

She wiggled, turning to face him, so that she could better look at his face. He groaned, and shifted, rolling over onto his back, his arm still wrapped around her, and she went partly with him, finding herself sprawled out over his chest. He still didn’t wake up. She stared up at his face. The way his lashes fanned down. That was about the softest thing. Everything else was still granite.

She moved experimentally, and then stretched up and kissed his cheek. Just to see.

She felt a little spark where they made contact.

And feeling a little bit naughty, and hot, she lifted up the covers and looked beneath them. Because she hadn’t really gotten to see him last night. It hadn’t been all that bright in the room, and they’d come together quickly, in a fury. They joined a couple other times over the course of the night, but by then the lights had been off, and they’d been beneath the covers.

Oh Lord.

He was beautiful. His body, every inch of him. Really, every inch of him. All muscular glory and...

She suddenly sensed that she was being watched as she looked up. He closed his eyes quickly.

“I know you’re awake,” she said.

“Didn’t want to interrupt,” he said, his eyes still closed.

“I was curious.”

“Hey. I support that.”

They didn’t say anything for a moment.

She felt a marginal sense of relief. Because he was still Gus. And she was still Alaina. And it hadn’t really changed them exponentially, or he wouldn’t have said that.

And she would have felt horrified, rather than just mildly, amusingly embarrassed.

“How long until everybody starts working?”

“Oh,” he said, his voice rough. He sat up slightly, the better to look out the window, she assumed. “Oh, they’re already out there. The sun is over the mountain. Which means it’s likely they saw our cars. And will have questions. But one knew the specifics of this relationship anyway.”

She nodded slowly. “I guess not. Though, obviously...”

“Look, we could’ve got here early and started work. But anyway, what does it matter?”

“I guess it doesn’t. Because we are married.”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“Please don’t sleep with other women.” He took a deep breath and lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.“Please,”she said. “I couldn’t stand it.”

He rolled over onto his side and looked at her. “No one but me.”
