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Silly. His hug had been warm and comforting and needed, and now that she thought about it, tingly.

Oh boy.

“Night,” she chirped, shutting the door.

His semi-disappointed look was the last thing she saw.

* * *

The next morning, Hattie was an even bigger mess. She’d stewed far too late about her reaction to Steffan, her anger at Franz, the sadness and guilt of Jane’s death resurfacing, the fear of Franz and his family, and how uncomfortable it was to be without money and her personal things. She’d rinsed out her hiking clothes and underwear last night. They’d been dry enough this morning to put them on after she showered and used the toiletries and makeup the hotel had sent up.

She knew she was spoiled, but it was annoying and humbling to be wearing stiff, torn clothes and not be able to fix up and feel attractive, especially with a prince staying in the same suite.

If her parents or her Heavenly Father thought this was going to push her to do more introspection, ask for forgiveness, and turn to prayer, they were wrong. She’d said a few desperate prayers, but now she’d have to prove she was stronger than that. She didn’t need money, her nice things, or heaven’s help to stay confident and independent.

Maybe. She was relying on one handsome doctor prince. What if he was a gift from heaven? Shoot. Did that mean she needed to push him away?

If only Franz had been caught. She’d realized late last night that she’d never heard if they’d caught him. They better have. It would be perfect to get all of her stuff back from that jerk and then say thank you to Steffan. She could be gracious and grateful to the kind man who’d done so much for her. Maybe she’d even get one sweet farewell kiss. Then she’d be her brave self and figure out where she would travel next.

Why did that plan suddenly feel so empty? Maybe she should go home to Texas, visit some family friends and see if there were any worthwhile businesses locally she wanted to invest in. She loved helping people around the world, but it was very rewarding to help people from her hometown as well.

What if the Rindlesbachers had somebody watching for her to return home? That sent a shiver down her back.

Walking out into the main area, she was rewarded with a handsome prince waiting for her with a welcoming smile on his face. Maybe being down on her luck, humbling herself, and feeling like she owed somebody wasn’t such a trial after all. He was exquisite.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Good morning,” she returned much too breathlessly.

Their gazes held, and she imagined she could stare into those blue eyes for a very, very long time.

A rap at the door broke their gazing session. Probably for the best, but it tugged at something deep in her gut when he turned away. She didn’t want him to turn away from her. Ever.

He strode to the door, tipped the waiter, and rolled in a cart full of food and drinks. Hattie felt off-kilter and confused about him tipping. Was it just normal for him to take care of a lady and pay for things? It reminded her so much of her dad, and she felt comforted and taken care of. She appreciated Steffan being chivalrous and taking care of her, but it was for the best that he’d be on his way soon. Letting down her guard and trusting a man to be a gentleman and take care of her wasn’t on the agenda now, or maybe ever.

Hattie brought her computer to the table and tried to focus on business as they sat down to eat the delicious breakfast—cheeses, meats, fruits, muesli, ham and egg quiche, chocolate croissants, bubble waffles with Nutella and banana, and a variety of drinks.

“Did you hear anything from Jensen or the police about catching Franz last night?” she asked first.

“He wasn’t at the hotel and hasn’t returned yet,” he said. “I’m sorry.”

Disappointment filled her. “I want the weasel caught, but I really want my clothes, shoes, skincare products, and makeup back.” She forced a smile. “It’d also be nice to not have to go get a temporary passport. I guess the credit cards are already garbage, and I’m doubting my cash will ever turn up.”

“It would be fabulous to find him. Jensen and the Swiss Police promised they are looking everywhere.” He gestured to the computer and cut a bite of quiche with his fork. “Did you hear anything from your contacts?”

Looking through the emails and text messages, she saw one from Sadie right at the top. “Wolf and Sadie are in Guatemala, but they’ll charter a flight if I need them.”

“That’s nice of them. Do you … need them?”

“Not if I have you.” She took a quick drink of orange juice, her face flaming red. It was too bold.

The look in Steffan’s eyes was bolder. A slow smile crinkled his refined features. “Then tell them not to charter a flight. I’ll stay with you as long as you need, Hattie.”

“You will?” Shock and pleasure filled her.

“The doctors who work for me are happy to fill in my shifts. I rarely take time off, and my head nurse says it’s ‘high time I take a vacation’.”

She smiled at that. “This is not much of a vacation.”
