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But that would require me to stay in the area. I’ll see how the trial goes.

Parading naked from the bed, I pour myself a glass of milk, which thankfully Nikolai brought, then grab a cinnamon- and sugar- coated cookie. Without a care in the world, I wander onto the front porch where Nikolai’s sitting on a rocking chair, bent forward, his elbows on his knees. I stand in front of him and with a single finger, touch his shoulder and push him back. He smiles up at me, but the tension that his phone conversation is causing is obvious.

I straddle his lap and sit, my sex open against the denim of his jeans. Not comfortable. I reposition myself. While the person on the other end of the phone is talking his ear off, I put the cookie to his lips.

He shakes his head. I offer the milk. He shakes his head again. I move my nipple to his lips and he repositions the phone in his hand, holding it away, and says, “Not now.”

His tone is harsh, the first time he’s been that way with me. The bubble’s about to burst. The teasing games we’ve played will give way to the real world.

The chill of the morning air is just enough that without the warmth of Nikolai’s embrace, I have no desire to stay outside. I wander back in, delighting myself with another cookie for breakfast.

Erik’s exiting the bathroom, rubbing a towel over his head, the rest of his glorious, muscular body on display. I watch his penis flop as he dries his hair.

“Oh, hey, you’re up,” he says.

“Too bad you aren’t.”

“That can be fixed.” His cock is already thickening. “You got a new piece of information for me? I got something to give you.”

“Actually, I do. There’s one relative we haven’t talked about yet. I don’t know him really well. Oleg is my grandfather’s generation. I never see him anymore, but I know a little bit about what he did in the old days. It’s almost told as folklore.”

He hangs the towel over the back of a chair, grabs his pen and paper, sits in the recliner without bothering to get dressed, and when I start to walk past, he pulls me on top of him. With the pen and paper in one hand, he drags his fingers back and forth over my belly.

He’s making the infinity symbol like Nikolai did. Aren’t I a dreamer? Is there an occupation that’s fit for dreamers? Maybe that’s what I need to go into. I’ll give that some thought. I spill out the details that I’ve heard, the larger-than-life stories of Oleg, of the old world.

He lives in Russia now, but Erik assures me that even piecing together intel they have about foreign countries can be helpful.

Nikolai walks in. “I could hear what you’re saying through the door. My phone call was wrapping up. You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s good stuff.”

“I would’ve told you, but you were busy.”

“I’ve got a situation I have to deal with.”

“Something bigger than all of the stuff I’m giving you?”

I have to admit, with the volumes of information I’m offering, my family will have no doubt that a Solonik betrayed them. And if I’m the only one who disappears, they’ll know it’s me. That’s part of why I think I’m going to stick around. They won’t know who to go after. In fact, it will be Erik who’s going to look guilty. And he’ll easily disappear. The FBI will see to that.

If I stay with my sisters and cousins, we can just be the poor, innocent women who had no idea what was going on. I can say that Erik kidnapped me and tried to get information from me, but that I wouldn’t talk. Will that be believable?

At any rate, I understand what my future with Nikolai and Erik is.

“I have to go,” Nikolai says.

“Really? I thought we weren’t leaving until we’re done. We don’t want anyone to be able to track us.”

“That was the plan, but something’s come up.”

“Fine. Erik will make sure I don’t misbehave. Could you get me some clothes while you’re out?”

“I need to talk to Erik in private.” Nikolai steps toward the open door.

“You don’t have to go outside. I haven’t taken a shower. I can do that and you guys can talk right here with all your notes. But you look so serious. Does it involve my family?”

“It’s Bratva related, but not your family, exactly. I can’t go over that with you.”

It’s not that I expected him to tell me, but he specifically made it a point to emphasize that.

“I’ve handed over everything. Don’t I deserve something?” Rather than waiting for an answer, I retreat to the shower.
