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“You’ll have to testify,” the boss says directly to me.

“I can do that, as long as I don’t go into protection alone.” I look up at my men. They both nod.

Their boss grumbles. “I’d be losing two of my best agents.”

Nikolai says, “You’re going to lose us either way.”



BecauseI’msodeeplyentrenched in the Lazovski and Solonik cases, the FBI is understaffed, and I’m one of the most knowledgeable agents, I don’t get fired. I almost wish I did. I’d rather be at home in our new home in the hills beyond Eggplant Canyon with Lilia and Erik.

The agency needed to reprimand someone, so Erik took the fall. His undercover gig was blown anyway. Officially, he’s suspended, but we have word that he won’t be punished.

We chose our secure home location in lieu of witness protection because Lilia doesn’t want to lose touch with the parts of her family she enjoyed. I don’t want her to lose touch with the people she cares about. It’s her heritage. It’s everything she’s known.

When I spoke with the Lazovskis, they opted not to press charges against her for the kidnapping in light of the good she’s doing, to imprison her own family members. Due to the fact that Margot and Maverik were unharmed other than being scared, which Lilia deeply regrets, Margot agreed she’d rather not muddy the waters.

I’m pulling in to do another home check on Esme to keep her mom’s mind at ease. It’s the least I can do, since the woman took a bullet in the midst of this chaos.

The cars in the driveway aren’t hers.

I phone in the plates, and while I wait for a response, I knock on the front door. There’s not an answer, so I walk around the back. She wasn’t supposed to invite anyone over.

Rounding the corner, the faint sounds of a struggle cause me to draw my weapon. I pop my head to the back of the house, quickly assessing that four men are pinning Esme down. I’ve only seen pictures of her, but her bright red hair is enough to clue me in that it’s her. In a couple splits of a second, I realize she’s more than willing to be pinned down and the struggle I hear is all good.

I stall for a second too long. Before I can slink away unnoticed, one of them sees me and I’m impressed by how fast they scurry to defend Esme. Good. Not a thing I will pass on to her mother. I’ll just assure Carolyn that her daughter’s in good hands.

I’m even more impressed with the men’s schlongs, which are all on display. How are they all so huge? That’s just wrong. Not to mention, they’re not even attempting to cover themselves when there’s an intruder.

I don’t want them to come after me. A flying tackle would be the last thing I want. It was bad enough that Erik didn’t respect my ‘hands off my dick’ stipulation. No telling in a flying tackle where I’d end up with dick.

Stepping around the corner, I say very loudly and clearly, “I’m a friend of Esme’s mom. She asked me to make sure she’s fine.”

“My mom sent you?” I hear Esme say. “Please tell her I’m fine.”

“I’ll let her know.”

“Please don’t tell her that you saw this.”

“It’s none of my business.” I smirk as I walk away and dial Lilia. “Be naked in twelve minutes.”

“I’m busy. Erik and I are getting ready to order chickens. I’ve picked out for their pretty colored eggs, and Silkies for their wild feathers—”

“Why are you ordering chickens?” I cut her off. It also hits me that she called him Erik despite us telling her our real names. That’s the least of my worries.

“Because I’m still trying to figure out who I am. I’ve always wanted a pet.”

“Chickens aren’t pets.”

“I follow several influencers on social media who would disagree.”

“Of course, you do.”

“Chickens are very popular. If it ends up they’re not my thing, I’m sure we can unload them to somebody who is better suited for ranch life.”

“A ranch…because you have chickens? Please tell me you’re not ordering horses and cows too.”
