Page 38 of Runaway Mate

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Sean was sure the pilot probably thought he’d managed to get free when somebody’s bullet struck the fuel tank and the chopper exploded, spinning around and crashing on the other side of the river.

“We’re going to need someone to stay up here and make sure that doesn’t start a fire,” said Jax.

“I can do that, and I’ll process the scene,” said Derek.

“No, I want your help securing the prisoner and transporting him.”

“That’s not going to be necessary,” said Sean, poking the wolverine-shifter’s bullet-riddled body. “I think he’s going to be pretty useless in terms of interrogation.”

“We might want to keep that bit of information to ourselves,” said Winter. “If the people in the chopper didn’t manage to get a message out before they crashed, whoever is behind this might not know Clyde is dead.”

Jax nodded. “Good thinking, Winter. Sneaky, but good. I’ll get the body to Doc and have him go over him with a fine-tooth comb. Derek, you stay up here and do the same. I’ll call the fire department in as back-up,” Jax returned.

“Will do,” said Derek, heading towards his SUV and retrieving his crime scene kit before heading back into the warehouse.

“In that case, Jax, I’m going to ride back with Winter and Sean. The rest of my men can ferry back our other vehicles.”

“That sounds like a plan, and we’ll see you in the morning.”

“Why not join us for breakfast?”

“Sounds good. And Colby?”

“Yes, Jax?”

“You and I are going to have a long sit down while you explain to me just what the hell you’ve been up to out at Windsong.”

Colby slipped into the backseat, allowing Sean to sit up front with Winter, who had assumed the position of driver. “Get used to that,” Colby said, pointing to Winter. “She likes to drive and gets cranky when she doesn’t get her way.”

Sean shrugged. “If it makes her happy, I can be fine with it in the right circumstances. I’ve already figured out that my mate and I will be writing new rules for how we do things at Curaidh.”

“I don’t know how much we’re planning to share with Jax…” Winter started.

“He doesn’t know about the Shadow League?” asked Sean.

“He knows about the League,” said Colby, “and he’s part of those Marc Hadley has recruited into the cause, but he doesn’t know much of what we’ve been up to. It’s only recently that anyone at Mystic River has known there was a threat. We’ll have to bring Jax and the others up-to-speed on all we know. Hadley and the others all believe it will be a straight up fight, but it won’t. This war that is coming will not be won in the trenches, so to speak.”

“No,” agreed Sean. “It will be won in the back alleys and digital fortresses. It’ll mean going dark and deep and killing those responsible. It’ll mean getting our hands dirty and taking the League out—stem to root.”

Winter nodded. “I’ll tell you one thing Clyde shared with me—well, shared is probably too generous—he let it slip that the only reason I got snatched was because Sean didn’t go all caveman on me and drag me back to the Highlands.” She paused for dramatic effect as her words sunk in. “I wasn’t the real target; Sean was.” Her mate had no discernable reaction. “That doesn’t surprise you, does it?”

“It should but it doesn’t. I didn’t connect an earlier attempt on my life a couple of months ago with the raid on Curaidh or with someone trying to take you. I should have, but I didn’t.”

“Why are they after you?” asked Winter.

“I have no idea, but it would seem something we’d do well to find out.”

“Agreed,” said Colby. “Sean, earlier you said to me something about having an idea of how we could bring our two clans closer and having an idea about how I don’t lose Winter as my beta.”

“I never said you wouldn’t lose Winter as your beta. But as I said earlier Curaidh has never been breached. Many have tried and all have failed. I don’t believe for a minute the League will be satisfied with just subjugating Alaska or even the North American continent.”

Colby nodded. “Agreed. We’re just the first step, which is why it is important that we stop them here. If they can win a major battle and overrun the autonomy of the clan systems on one continent, they’ll do it everywhere, and then they’ll turn on the humans. My point being, Winter is needed here.”

“Yes and no. Winter is most definitely needed. She needs an independent seat at the war council and regardless of what you say, if she remains at Windsong, her neutrality and judgment regarding the information she gathers and analyzes might be questioned. She and the intelligence network—the actual machinery—need to be protected at all costs.”

“I can take care of myself, Campbell,” she said, the icy tone and use of his last name indicating her irritation with him.

“I do not doubt that for a minute. But the shifter community needs you focused on intelligence gathering and analysis. At Curaidh you can be. But I also understand Colby needs a strong right hand. I would propose a trade of sorts. Hamish would come here and stand as Colby’s beta while you would return home with me and act as mine.”
