Page 53 of Isaac

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“Fuck yes, I do. I think about you doing both of those things a dozen times a day when I’m here without you. All I do is think about you.” I pull the hem of her dress down over her ass as far as it’ll go. “But you need to leave. We’ve been in here too long as it is.”

Her mouth presses against my neck, a teasing swipe of her tongue that disappears too fast. She pushes away from me, out of my arms.

“Don’t keep me waiting too long, Isaac,” she says, then reaches for the doorknob behind me, unlocking and pulling it open so hard I have no choice but to move. Then, she’s gone, out the door, down the stairs before I can even blink.

Going out to the hall, I lean my forearms on the railing to watch her leave. And every head in the place, male or female, notices her. How could they not? She’s nothing like the usual women in here, so beautiful and sweet that every woman wants to look like her and every man wants to ruin her and that flawless white dress.

I don’t bother telling them I’ve already succeeded in ruining her, and when I’m through with it, that dress will be left in shreds.

* * *


I couldn’t believe that Isaac didn’t want to fool around in his office. I thought for sure that he would take one look at the dress, the lack of panties, and attack me.

But instead, he told me to go home.

I’m still not sure if I believe what he said about not sleeping with anyone else, but he did hold up to all his promises for that night.

When he showed up at my town house less than an hour later, he carried me to the bedroom, threw me on the bed, then pulled out a knife to slice through the bottom of the dress, three or four inches below my barely covered sex. From there, the rest of the fabric tore apart in his hands.

Hands that he then dragged over me, groping, squeezing, and probing every inch.

The spanking he promised consisted of his palm slapping me between my legs over and over again as his tongue invaded my mouth. That was how he made me come the first time. The second was on his tongue, the third on his cock after he pressed my legs together so that his shaft was the only thing between them.

It was intense. All of it. Even more so than all the other times we’d been together.

After Isaac rolled off me and started getting dressed, I found out why.

“I don’t know if I can come by again this week,” he says as he pulls on his jeans. “There’s a lot going on right now with the club and the wedding.”

“Right,” I reply as I pull the covers up over me to combat the sudden chill caused by his lack of heat on my sweaty skin, as well as the tone of his words. “The wedding’s two or three weeks away?”

“Two,” he answers as his shirt goes over his head.

“I didn’t get an invitation.”

“That’s probably for the best.” I try not to be insulted by that comment as I watch him slide his leather cut on. When Isaac looks at me, he must notice how I took his words. “Do you think I could be in public with you without watching you? Touching you?”

I shake my head because it would be too hard.

Sitting down on the side of the bed next to me, Isaac grips my chin and places a kiss on my lips. “After the wedding is over, everything will go back to normal. Or at least our normal.”

“Promise?” I ask, taking his hand on my chin to slide it up the side of my face.

“Promise,” he agrees. “Until then, I’ll be around a lot of people, so I’ll just have to enjoy the photos and video you sent me months ago when I’m alone.”

I know that’s his way of saying not to send any others. But then I realize, “You kept them? The ones from…”

“Fuck yes,” he says. “How do you think I survived all those months without sex?”

Smiling, I gasp dramatically. “Mr. Perry! Are you insinuating that you think dirty thoughts about me when you’re touching yourself?”

Grinning in an easy way I’ve never seen before, Isaac says, “Do you need a photo or video of me licking your pussy for you to get yourself off?”

My face warms at the memories of his head between my legs earlier tonight. “Now, that kind of photo would work so much better than a dick pic to get a girl’s attention.”

Stretching across the bed to the nightstand, Isaac picks up my phone and hands it to me. I let the sheet I’m clenching go to take it, which is when he jerks it off, revealing my naked body.
