Page 55 of Isaac

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“Was your last period lighter than normal?” she asks.

“I…I guess so, but it was like four consecutive days in a row, just like usual.”

“That was most likely implantation bleeding.”

“Implantation bleeding?”

“When the fertilized egg implanted itself in your uterus, there can be some spotting. Since there were several days of it, then I suggest we do some bloodwork to confirm, possibly do an ultrasound as well if you decide to proceed with the pregnancy. If not, depending on how far along you are, there may be noninvasive options.”

Her mouth moves, saying a whole bunch of words that don’t make any sense.

“I don’t…I can’t…I took two morning-after pills…”

I slouch back in the chair as her words sink in.

“It’s a shock. I know that now. Take as much time as you need,” Dr. Jones tells me. “Either way, we still need to do bloodwork today and get the date of your period before the last one so we’ll be prepared for whatever decision you make.”

A decision? She sums all this up with that simple word. It’s a life-changing choice that will affect me every second for the rest of my days on this earth, no matter which way I go!

Oh, Isaac. What did we do?

I want to grab my phone and call him, but it’s not that simple, not when I don’t even know what I’m going to do.

“We can postpone the physical exam for now if you need time to process…”

Nodding emphatically, I say, “Yes. I need time.”

“Okay. I’ll take you to the lab for the bloodwork. They’ll ask you to provide the best date of your last few periods, and then you’re free to leave.”

I nod again. And when she gets to her feet, I get to mine and follow her, my body moving on autopilot through the blood draw and the drive home.

* * *

My body is still going through the motions without my input as my fingers turn the key to unlock the town house door.

Brooke sits up from where she’s watching television in the living room. I almost ask what she’s doing home before I remember that her store is closed on Monday. Apparently, customers get too freaky over the weekend to come shop.

“What are you…” she starts before I interrupt her.

“I screwed up.”

“How so? Should I get out some alcohol? I have no problem drinking this early on a Monday.”

“Yes, alcohol. Lots of it,” I tell her. Then I shake my head. “No, no alcohol! Hell, I don’t know!” I slap a hand over my eyes and yank my purse over my head to let it hit the floor. “I can’t handle any more questions!”

“Okay. Why don’t you come sit down and tell me what happened. You had a doctor’s appointment today, right?”

I go over and flop down on the sofa cushion beside her. “Yes.”

“Bad news?”

I puff out a laugh. “Yeah, the bad news is that I had unprotected sex with Isaac, and now I’m pregnant.”

“Oh shit!” Brooke says before she winces and lays her hand over mine. “Sorry. I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. You had no idea?”

“No idea. My last period came when expected, maybe even a few days early, actually, after I took those emergency pills. But apparently, that was just some implanting, not my period, which means I’m about, oh, seven or eight weeks along, based on the blood person’s calculations.”

