Page 90 of Isaac

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Going to their kitchen table, I turn a wooden chair around and flop my ass down on it.

“Do you want something to drink? Eat?”


“Suit yourself.”

“Why aren’t you with Lyla at dinner?” I ask him, but he turns back to the door and opens it.

“Thank god,” he murmurs because Lyla must have pulled up.

I stand up and put my chair back under the table, hearing a car door shut and Lyla call out, “Miss me that much?”

“Of course I did. But also, that’s your dad’s bike.”


I can’t tell by that one word if she’s surprised or annoyed that I’m here.

As I make my way over to the door, I hear another car door open and close. That’s when Lyla says, “It’s been a while since you met, and not under great conditions. Barrett, this is Holly. Holly, meet Barrett.”

Holly’s here in Rockland too? What fresh hell is this?

Barrett says, “It’s good to see you again. Come on in.”

“Ah, you know what? I should really be getting home. I’ve got to be up early for work in the morning. Parent conferences,” she rambles, making me think she’s full of shit.

“What? Not yet. Let me at least give you a quick tour.”

“If your dad is here, then…” Then she doesn’t want to see my fucking face.

“It’s fine. Ignore him. Come in,” Lyla insists.

For a second, I consider sneaking out the back door like a coward. But I do want to see for myself that Lyla’s doing okay. And Holly, hell, I’ve missed her like crazy. The sight of her after so long might have me going back to her place again, begging for another shot I don’t deserve. She gave me plenty, and I fucked them all up…

I try to ignore the sound of Fulton kissing Lyla before she finally steps through the door.

“Hi, Dad. What are you doing here?”

“Hey, baby girl. Just talking some MC business with Fulton.”

“You’re not going to do anything crazy to try and stop the patch over, are you?” she asks.

I open my mouth to tell her hell will freeze over before I wear a skull king patch. But then I can’t stop myself from looking back toward the door as Holly walks in.

She doesn’t glance my way, intentionally avoiding all eye contact. Then I realize why.

Either she put on a few pounds only in her waistline, or…

Every word in my head disappears, leaving me standing there, staring at her with a slack jaw.

While I was miserable and missing her, Holly moved on. Met someone else. Someone who she’s fucking and got her pregnant. Unless…

“Holly’s expecting! Isn’t that great?” Lyla shares as if the protruding belly wasn’t obvious enough.

“Wow. Congratulations!” Fulton says. “When are you due?”

Holly dips her head to gaze at her bump and places her palm over it protectively. “June sixth, so still four months to go.”
