Page 21 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll

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That might prove to be a mistake, he’s too unpredictable.

As if my thoughts have manifested it, there passes us by a distracted zagfer. He bumps into Fohri’s shoulder at full force. Fohri stops and looks down at his shoulder before glaring at the zagfer in anger. The servant’s eyes fill with fear like a cup with water as he throws his hand together.

“I’m so sorry, please forgive me for my insolence!”

Fohri lets go of my hand and takes menacing steps toward the servant. Brilyk stands nearby, a straight face worn upon him.

“Leave him be,” I say to Fohri. “It was clearly an accident.”

“Quiet, whore!” snaps Fohri, throwing a hand up at me. “Now you’ll see how a true leader deals with such behavior.”

The zagfer mutters something silently to himself, which I guess to be a prayer. However, he seems to know he’s done for with each step closer that Fohri takes. He makes short work of the servant, beating him to a bloody pulp.

Does he think this impresses me or something?

I try to step in but Brilyk throws an arm in front of me, shaking his head. I turn away as it gets messier. The punching finally comes to a stop as Fohri appears by my side with a bloodied fist. Brilyk hands him a handkerchief.

“You there!” he calls to a nearby zagfer. “Clean up this mess!”

He turns to me, wearing a crazed look in his eyes, looking like a predator who has set his sights on his next prey. He flashes an ugly smile as we continue walking.

Does he get off on scaring me like this? Crazy bastard!

I decide it best to give him no reaction to his antics. I know it’s what he wants, and if I give in, it’ll only make things worse. Besides, with Brilyk in our company, there is at least some notion of safety.

Things finally calm down when we reach the gardens. There, I begin to feel a little better as I tune out my company and focus on the natural beauty of my surroundings. Now that I’m not currently trying to escape, I can appreciate the craftsmanship of this place a bit more.

We’re immersed deep in its center. Nearby, the fountain gushes water endlessly, adding to the relaxing atmosphere. Flowers of all colors are easy on the eyes. The only thing that could make this better is if Fohri wasn’t here, but there’s nothing I can do about that.

In a small sense, the gardens remind me of home, back when I was tending to the gardens of the Anocne estate. Strangely, that life felt so faraway like it was of a different age even though it was just a few days ago.

I’m walking by a picnic table when suddenly I’m shoved onto it. Dizzied, I peer up to see an extremely eager Fohri approaching me, that same look from before showing again in his eyes. They point between my legs.

“Shit! What the fuck are you doing?” I tremble.

“What do you think I’m doing?” laughs Fohri as he unzips his pants. “I’ve waited long enough, I’m going to take you right here, right now!”

“Get away!” I kick him in the chest, sending him back.

He looks at me with a deranged expression. “Now you’ve only made it worse for yourself!”

Suddenly, Brilyk steps forward as if to stand in front of me. Before I can register what’s happening, there rings through the air the shouting of a familiar voice.

“Fohri!” yells Ihokha, coming from behind a hedge. “Your presence is required immediately! There’s an urgent matter to attend to.”

“What? Now?”

“Yes, I’m afraid it cannot wait.”

I look at Ihokha, wondering if he’s been watching the whole time. I glance at Brilyk, wondering if he was about to protect me as well.

“Well it’s going to have to start without me, can’t you see I’m busy?”

Fohri returns his gaze to me and returns his hands to his pants. Ihokha jumps in between us, spreading his arms. “Can you keep it inside your fucking pants and go be a leader for one damn day!”

“Fine!” snaps Fohri. “But I don’t appreciate this.”

“When do you ever appreciate anything?” replies Ihokha as he leads his brother away.
