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“Yes, why is yourcastleso much smaller?” Quake joked. He was close enough that I knew Zoran could read his lips.

Zoran signed, “I feel no need to overcompensate with my home for the size of my cock. It’s suitably large, unlike the rest of yours.”

I translated aloud for the other couple, fighting a snort as I did.

Margo and Quake both busted up laughing, and I couldn’t help but join in. Zoran’s lips stretched in a grin.

“Come on in,” Quake said, gesturing us inside. His head had been shaved completely bald since the last time I’d seen him, and he and Margo seemed much closer, which made me happy for them.

We followed them inside, and I looked around. Despite the insane size of it, there was enough furniture around to make the whole place feel homey and relaxed.

“I should tell you, we had our minds connected by the lunar fae, so I can see you through Margo’s eyes now,” Quake added, as we followed him and Margo into the room. “You’re a prettier bastard than I realized, Flood.”

Zoran chuckled, and signed to me, “I’m well aware.”

“He knows he’s pretty,” I told them, rolling my eyes a little at Margo.

She grinned, and Zoran tugged me closer, nipping at my shoulder.

“Looks like the two of you are getting along even better now,” Margo added, gesturing toward a pair of couches in their living room. There was a kid sitting on one of them, so we sat down on the empty one, eyeing him curiously.

“This is Granite. He’s going to be the king, assuming he survives living with our obnoxious asses long enough to gain control of his magic,” Margo explained, gesturing toward him. I had no idea how old he was, but he didn’t look big enough to have gone through puberty yet. “His magic attacked his throat and spine, so the poor guy’s in pain most of the time. It doesn’t seem to bother him as much as we do, though.”

Granite shot Margo a grumpy look, and she and Quake both grinned back.

His grumpiness faded a bit, and he looked away before they could see that.

“What brings you out here?” Quake asked, leaning back against the couch and pulling Margo up onto his lap. “You never ask for help.”

I shot Zoran a curious look.

That… was accurate.

He definitely wasn’t the kind of man who would ask for help unless he had absolutely no other choice.

“Ayla is in danger,” Zoran admitted. He signed the words and I spoke them, though I frowned when I did. “Crest made a move against me. He woke Heliai and then ran. I assume he’s preparing a way to kill Ayla to remove us both from the throne, as he couldn’t get past my guards before.”

My forehead wrinkled further as I voiced his words.

He had people guarding me?

“You think he’s hiding on my land?” Quake asked, apparently figuring out where this conversation was going. “I’m sure you already put Heliai back to sleep.”

“Yes.” I voiced Zoran’s confirmation. “Storm is checking his lands, and I’d like the rest of you to, too. I can’t imagine him hiding in a swamp.”

Quake grimaced. “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll have an answer for you. My land would be the best place to hide, considering how much he hates us. It’s unexpected.”

“Exactly,” Zoran agreed.

“Close your eyes, Velvet,” Quake said, squeezing her hip lightly. “Open your mind, Granite. I want you looking for Crest. He’ll feel like a wet ball of entitlement.”

Granite snorted, and Margo’s lips curved upward wickedly.

I leaned against Zoran as they focused.

“Got him,” Granite rumbled a few minutes later. His voice was quiet and raspy, but I didn’t know why.

Quake’s grin told me he had already located the man and had been giving the kid a chance to do the same.
