Page 11 of Jock

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He growls and snorts like a bull. Then he backs away and lets him fall to the ground, his eyes closed. I limp over.

“Is he dead?”

Clay snorts. “Hell no, he’s not dead. But I guarantee he’ll rethink touching a woman if she’s not interested.”

He picks up my phone off the ground. “Call Security.”

“But what if they arrest you. Technically you shouldn’t be here yet.”

“Yeah. Good luck with that.”

Security shows up and all kinds of faces show up out in the hallway until the door’s closed on their curious faces.

Then they call for an ambulance for Daniel and everyone stands over me as I sit on the bed, an ice pack that Clay got me on my cheek.

“I don’t know why he all the sudden decided to mess with me. He got in my room, three weeks ago. I haven’t been able to sleep since then.”

“What happened? Did he rape you?” The guard asks me, writing down my statement.

“Not for lack of trying. But I got my hand and leg free and shoved him off me. Then I ran out the door and kept running. I’ve been careful to lock my door since then. Until this morning.”

I glance over at Clay and he growls under his breath, his arm muscles bulging where his shirt sleeves are pushed up. “We’re gonna talk about you coming back here alone.”

I shiver and one of the guys eyes him. “Are you gonna be okay, miss? We can get you some help.”

I shake my head. “No. I don’t need it. This is my…my fiancé.” Clay nods and smirks happily.

“Well, we’ll give all of this to the police and I’m sure if you want to press charges…”

“She does,” Clay growls.

“Then I’m sure you can go ahead and go home. They can get ahold of you after we give them the report.”

“We’ll call them tomorrow.”

Clay pushes off of the wall. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to take my fiancé home.”

They all back out of the room and Clay eyes me, his eyes burning with an intensity like nothing I’ve ever seen. “I love you but if you ever leave the house without telling me, I’ll paddle your ass until you can’t sit down for a week, angel.”

I nod my head. “Believe me, I regret it.”

“I think you learned your lesson. So I’ll let this slide for now.” He slips an arm around me and studies the ripped-up room. “I’ll send someone out today to get the rest of your things. You’re staying with me from now on.”

I nod my head and lean up on my toes to kiss his cheek. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

His gaze softens. “I swear I lost ten years of my life when I heard that guy on my phone. Why didn’t you tell me about what happened? That you hadn’t been sleeping.”

“I thought it was over. I didn’t think he was crazy enough to try anything else.”

“Apparently he was. But that’s not my problem. I want to know everything about you. I want to know your hopes and dreams. Your fears. If anyone fucks with you that I need to fuck them up. If you leave the house to come back to where you were damn near assaulted. I want to know all of that.”

“I thought it was over and I have you now. So I’m not afraid anymore, ” I whisper, sinking into his bulging arms.

He kisses the top of my head and hugs me tight, pulling back when I groan and rub my arm.

“Let’s go home so I can take care of you. I should never have let you out of my sight. And I will never let that happen again.”

I smile up at him. “You’re going to be really overbearing and pushy from now on, aren’t you?”
