Page 27 of Rolling in Hot

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Gemma slips into work mode. “It went fine. I like her. And she agreed with me totally on that book cover. She is sending over some other ideas after they brainstorm them.”

“That’s terrific. I was really worried that she’d stick with it and I don’t think it fits the story.”

She huffs. “Yeah. There isn’t a bare-chested stud in work pants or a pair of jeans on it. A dude in a pair of dress pants and a sweater? What the hell?”

“I’m not sure what the art department was thinking.”

“I think the girl was thinking she liked that picture and she didn’t bother reading the story.”

“I think you’re probably right.”

“What are you doing right now?”

I chuckle. “Watching Wyatt and Sam pave that little back driveway.”

“Oh my gosh!” She squeals. “That sounds so cute. Did you take pictures? I can help you do a scrapbook.”

“Ugh. You know I hate taking the time to do that kind of stuff. I like to live in the moment.”

“I do too. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love family moments being recorded.”

“I know. I’m terrible.”

“We all have our strong points. You’re a good writer. Terrible scrapbooker.”

I laugh and then tell her bye and hang up.

Sam comes over, holding Wyatt up and against his chest. He’s yawning and wriggling in his arms.

“I think our little guy here is tired. How bout I put him to bed and then we’ll go have a little alone time, pretty mama?”

He leans over and kisses me and I hold out my hand, letting him help me to my feet.

“That sounds wonderful. It’s been awhile since we’ve had some alone time.”

He grins and then lifts Wyatt over his head and holds him like he’s Superman. Wyatt laughs gleefully and kicks his little legs.

I watch them for a minute and then walk up the huge staircase to our room upstairs. What Sam didn’t know and I was only vaguely aware of was that my grandmother had put money into a trust for me that my parents were not able to touch except for my education. And that check was written by the lawyer who held control over the trust. So they couldn’t get their greedy little claws on any of it.

But that explains why they were so desperate to keep me under their roof. I heard from my attorney that they were trying to figure out how to get their hands on some of it.

Including the business partner’s son. That was another ploy. Siphon money into the business since he worked for the both of them. Then withdraw it to their own accounts.

They had it all worked out.

I smile as I strip out of my clothes and then into a sexy little number that I found in the new maternity store in town.

I hear Sam whistling as he comes down the hall. Until he hits the door and then he groans. “Oh my god, woman! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

I put a hand on my thick hip and he growls like a beast, shutting the door and the world out, leaving us where we’ve been since we found each other. Together.

He stalks me like a big cat, his muscles rippling and shifting as his clothes whip past my head, making me giggle.

I turn my back on him and look over my shoulder, posing with my ass out just the way he likes.

“Gee, Mister. I’m so alone out here. Do you think you could help me? My car seems to have hit this bad spot on the road.”

Sam snorts and catches me up in his arms. “That’s the best you got?”
