Page 1 of The Banker's Pearl

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The last box tumbles into my new condo with a heavy thud. I wipe the sweat off my brow, surveying my place. Floor-to-ceiling windows let in streams of golden sunlight, warming the sleek hardwood floors.

“Not too shabby,” I say to myself. My cheeks flush when I catch the movers eyeing my curves as I bend over another box.

I’m used to the stares. At five foot six with wavy hair, pouty lips and a generous bust, I turn heads everywhere I go. Doesn’t mean I like it.

“Where do you want this, miss?” One of the movers gestures to my bed. His smirk makes it clear what he’s thinking. Probably imagining me sprawled out on those crisp white sheets.

Heat floods my face. I point to the far wall and look away. “Over there, please. And the dresser goes next to it.”

My voice comes out timid and breathy. I inwardly cringe. When will I stop letting men rattle me?

The movers haul my furniture into place, still leering. By the time they leave, I’m a bundle of nerves. I sag onto my new couch, kicking off my heels.

San Francisco is supposed to be my fresh start. I came here to escape small town mentality. Yet one look from a stranger still ties my stomach in knots.

With a sigh, I glance around my condo. Everything is new, from the furniture to the dishes in the kitchen. No traces remain of my old life.

So why do I still feel like that shy country girl deep down? I rub my temples, exhaustion seeping into my bones. Starting over is harder than I thought.

Maybe a hot bath will calm my nerves. I turn on the jets in my spacious tub, pouring a generous splash of bubbles.

Steam rises around me as I sink into the water. The scent of jasmine floats through the air, soothing my frazzled mind. I take a deep breath and relax into the warmth.

By the time I emerge drowsy and loose-limbed, my confidence returns in increments. I can do this. I’m not that small-town girl anymore. I have a glamorous career and life in the big city.

All I need now is someone to share it with. A slow smile spreads across my lips.

* * *


I glance out my window, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the high-end condo complex where I live. My eyes wander to the unit across from mine, and like clockwork, Josh Hamilton steps out onto his balcony. With his tall, toned frame, black hair, and deep brown skin, he’s the epitome of old money charm. And he just so happens to be my neighbor.

“Morning, Pearl,” he calls out with a friendly wave. There’s something about that smooth voice that makes my insides melt.

“Morning, Josh,” I reply, trying to sound casual as I fiddle with my coffee mug. My heart races every time I see him—my secret crush on my neighbor feels almost pathetic. But who could blame me? The man is basically a living, breathing Adonis.

“Beautiful day, isn’t it?” he says, leaning against the railing of his balcony, taking in the view. I can’t help but admire how his muscular arms flex beneath his crisp, white shirt.

“Definitely,” I agree, unable to tear my gaze away from him.



“Got any plans for the day?” I ask Pearl, trying to maintain a polite distance. After my broken engagement, I’ve been careful when it comes to romance. But damn if this curvy, small-town girl with her stunning caramel eyes and thick curls doesn’t tempt me.

“Um, not really,” she responds, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Just some work around the house.”

“Sounds nice,” I say, catching myself staring at the curve of her waist. “Well, if you need any help, just give me a shout. I’m always happy to lend a hand.”

“Thanks, Josh,” she says with a shy smile that makes my heart skip a beat. It’s been a while since I’ve allowed myself to feel this way about someone. But something about Pearl has me wanting to take a chance.

“Anytime,” I reply, giving her one last look before heading back inside. As I close the sliding door behind me, I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to get closer to her—to know her beyond our morning balcony exchanges. But for now, I’ll keep my distance—both emotionally and physically. I’m still healing from my past.
