Page 7 of The Banker's Pearl

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The scent of pine needles and crackling firewood greet me as I step through the wooden cabin door. Soft yellow light filters through the windows, casting a warm glow over the rustic interior.

My heart flutters at the sight before me. A bearskin rug stretches in front of the massive stone fireplace, two glasses of red wine perched on the mantle.

This is too much. Josh has already given me so much, more than I ever dreamed I deserved.

“Like it?” His voice rumbles behind me as two strong arms wrap around my waist.

“It’s perfect.” I lean back into his embrace, my hands covering his. “You’re too good to me.”

“Nonsense.” He presses a soft kiss to the curve of my neck, eliciting a quiet moan from my lips. “You deserve the world, Pearl.”

The truth is, I never thought I’d find a man like Josh. Someone who appreciates me for who I am, curves and quirks and all.

“Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Hamilton?” I tease, tilting my head to glance at him over my shoulder.

A sly grin curves his mouth as he turns me in his arms. “Is it working?”

“Maybe.” I bite my lip, feigning innocence. “You’ll have to try harder than that though.”

“Challenge accepted.”

He swoops down, claiming my lips in a searing kiss that leaves me breathless. My hands fist in the soft cotton of his shirt, holding on for dear life as he walks me backwards. The backs of my knees hit the edge of the bearskin rug.

I gasp into his mouth. “Getting warmer.”

“Good.” His voice is a low rumble against my lips. “Because I’m just getting started.”


The sight of Pearl breathless is enough to drive me insane with want. Her plump lips are kiss-swollen, her chest rising and falling with each rapid breath.

She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

I ease her down onto the bearskin rug, our bodies tangling together in a tangle of limbs. Her soft curves mold against me, setting my blood on fire.

“Tell me if I get too warm,” I tease, trailing a line of kisses along her jaw.

A breathy laugh escapes her. “I think you’ll be just right.”

The trust and love in her eyes nearly undo me. That I found this amazing woman, that she chose me - it’s more than I ever dreamed I deserved.

“God, you’re perfect,” I murmur, brushing a curl behind her ear.

She shakes her head, a blush staining her cheeks. “You make me feel perfect.”

“That’s because you are.” I kiss her then, slow and deep, pouring all the love in my heart into that single embrace.

Tonight is only the beginning. I plan to spend the rest of my life showing Pearl just how perfect she is. How much she means to me.

And it all starts here, in our little cabin in the woods, with nothing but the crackling fire and the beating of our hearts to keep us company.


The cabin is everything I imagined a romantic getaway in the woods to be. A cozy living room with plush furniture, a stone fireplace, dim lighting.

But the best part is having Josh all to myself.
