Page 4 of Bribed

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Um...okay. Maybe he wants to do it on the leather, maybe leather is a fetish of his, who knows. Without questioning it, I turn around, sit on the couch and cross my legs. His eyes roam down my pins, as if he’s admiring them but then I realize I’m still wearing my fluffy slippers. I forgot to take them off! Mortified, I kick with my feet and the slippers flip-flop in the air, before landing on the floor and he cocks a brow.

Inwardly, I groan. I’m really good at this. Honestly, I should coach other women on how to honey trap a soldier. Swallowing, I murmur, “Is this how you want me?”

I’m feeling fuzzy and a part of me wishes, he would just get it over with. It’s torturous to have to sit and wonder what he’ll demand of me. He has free reins, could choose to go wild. Maybe he’s into food sex, breath play or BDSM. I envision, Carter in a mask and a whip but instead of making me want to scream, I get a little excited at the possibility. He’s exactly the kind of guy who could pull off the dom thing and not make it awkward.

“I want you to be comfortable,” he grunts.

Well, then he should let me change into sweatpants and a sports bra but I don’t think he’d appreciate the look.

“How about this?” I stretch out over the seats, then blurt, “Draw me like one of your French girls.”

Carter frowns in confusion and I want to pinch myself until I bruise. I bet that movie reference went straight over his head and he must think I’m crazy now. Clearing my throat, I put my legs down again and then I sit there as stiff as a board. He starts stalking towards me and I grow nervous again.

“Have you done this before?”

“No,” he rasps because he doesn’t say much, and he sits right next to me. He doesn’t lean back but rests his arms on his knees and he’s not looking me in the eyes. A breath causes his back to heave and his muscles protrude underneath his sweater. I wonder what he would do if I slid a cold hand past the fabric and touched that bulkiness. He’d probably twitch or be surprised by how forward I am, but what can I say.

Training canines makes a girl pretty bossy.

My breath catches in my throat when he, without talking or looking at me, reaches out and puts a firm hand on my bare thigh. The touch is possessive, full of ownership and his skin is callus compared to mine. Butterflies commotion in my belly and my heart starts pounding. A muscle ticks in his jaw as if he’s trying to control himself and he gives my thigh a lustful squeeze.

A manly, demanding one.

“Eeee...,” I squeak and he tenses, glancing at me in surprise and I flush red.What the heck was that, why did I sound like a little mouse just now?

Carter pulls back his palm and he’s watching me as if seeing me with new eyes. “Please tell me you’ve slept with a man before.”

“I have...,” I blurt, my eyes darting, “Although not technically, not really and not in real life but it doesn’t matter, does it?”

Carter’s eyes darken, his jaw flexing and a tremble seems to move through his body. “Did they know about this before they gave you to me?”

“It’s not like they asked,” I cry. “They just assumed I wasn’t a virgin at my age.”

“You’re young,” Carter growls, “they should’ve asked.” He does a rough shake with his head. “Fuck.”

“Are you mad?” I peep and he tenses, confirming my suspicions. He needs someone more experienced and now he’s going to barge into Pace’s and Arkin’s office and yell at them, for offering up a pretty much clueless girl. They should’ve chosen someone who can undo a man’s buckle, using only her teeth while her hands are tied behind her back. Not me.

“They should’ve informed me about your condition,” Carter grunts and heat coats my cheeks.

“Condition? I’m a virgin, not dying.”

He glares at me, then swiftly gets up and I feel my heart sink. He’s going to leave now and then I’ll never get what I want. I have my reasons for doing this and I needed this to work. Tears prickle my eyes and I look down, pushing them back so that he can’t see I’m about to cry.

“Get up, we’re leaving,” Carter says and I jerk my head.

“Where are we going?”

“I’m taking you out.” He holds his palm up, raising his brows before frowning. “Coming?”

I nod in surprise and put my hand in his. His fingers clench around mine and I flood with the feeling that everything will be okay. Carter is a powerful player and as long as he’s on my side, I have nothing to worry about.



Something’s flipped in me because of the girl. With any other woman, I wouldn’t have bothered. If she agreed to this while still being a virgin, she’d only have herself to blame but I’m protective over Jean. She makes my pulse race and I’m pretty numb usually. My job has stunted my emotions but around her, I feel like I used to feel before I joined Blackwater.

