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“I’d be happy to see her step into that role,” I said. I knew Zeke was only mentioning this so I’d have the okay from him. He was still wary of discussing Lola around me.

“Where is she?” I said.

“Uh, in the cellar,” said Andy. “Stock check on all them old Beaujolais we got down there.”

“You want me to get her?” said Zeke.

“No,” I said, “I’ll say hi.”

I stepped down into the cellar. It was a warm day in New York, in the low seventies, and inside the cellar, it felt cool. I wandered among the racks of wine, my feet sounding quietly on the flagstones.

Then, I saw Lola. She was working in the back office of the wine cellar, a small, cramped room with a standing desk and computer, with a stock sheet on the desk. I watched her bending intently over the sheet, strands of hair falling from her otherwise neat ponytail.

I came to the doorway and stood there, leaning against the frame.

“Good afternoon,” I said.

Lola looked up quickly, in shock. “Oh,” she said, standing up. “Hi. How are you?”

“I’m good thanks,” I said, then added flirtatiously, “all the better for last night.”

Lola looked away. She was blushing, her cheeks turning a gentle shade of pink at the sight of me. I smiled, but she didn’t meet my eyes.

“Are you okay?” I said.

“Yep,” replied Lola.

I grew impatient, and stepped into the office.

“Need any help with anything?” I said.

“Nope,” said Lola brusquely.

There was silence between us, and I felt the atmosphere thicken with tension.

“You know,” I said, “I’m always here.”

Lola didn’t reply.

“Zeke and Andy have a lot of nice things to say about you,” I said. “They tell me you’re really good.”

“That’s nice,” replied Lola curtly, and carried on studying the document. I was beginning to grow frustrated, and eventually, I just came out with it.

“Last night was nice.”

Lola looked up at me curiously.

“Nice?” she said, incredulously.

“Well, better than nice,” I replied.

Lola looked away, and in her green eyes, I could see the glare of the computer screen reflected.

“You know, I’m kind of busy.”

“Can’t we talk? Even for a bit.”

Lola sighed, and looked up at me.
