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Afew more wins and Matt would have been completely naked. He was only in his pants. The master clock in the lobby rang loudly, indicating it was midnight. Jessica felt like she was in a strange fairy tale, and that midnight marked the turning point. Matt walked over to her and said,

“I think you should turn in for the night. It’s very late, indeed. Goodnight.”

Jessica felt disappointed that the night was ending already. “Where are you running off to? I’m not finished with you,” she said.

Matt’s lips were parted just a little. He wasn’t smiling, but the look on his face said he was in some kind of conflict. “If you carry on, Jessica, I don’t know where we might end up.”

“Why don’t you find out?” she said, not taking her eyes off his face, his lips.

“Jessica, I, we- I thought you had boundaries, and I don’t want you to do anything that might cross them. That you might regret.”

Matt was really close to her now. She could feel the heat coming off his body and see his chest rise and fall with every breath. Her own breathing seemed to be labored at the proximity to him. They stared at each other for what seemed like an unbreakable moment, their eyes darting to each other’s lips, slightly parted.

“It’s okay, I want this,” she said, inching even closer.

That was when Matt’s resolve broke, and he closed the distance between them. He grabbed her face roughly and closed his mouth on hers. Jessica moaned in pleasure. She felt like she had been needing this all the time, all day and all night that they had spent together. Her body reacted instantly to his touch. She instinctively latched her arms over his shoulders, and he picked her up, never breaking the kiss. He kissed with a hunger that should have scared her if she hadn’t been feeling the same way. She hooked her legs around his torso and kissed him back just as hungrily. Matt pushed her back against the card table, his mouth planting fiery kisses down her jaw and trailing her back to nibble at her ears. She pushed his body off the table while still kissing him, and he took that as a chance to lead her to his room, where Jessica would be sleeping for the night. They were a blur of arms and legs and hands brushing against skin and mouths devouring each other. Matt threw her on the bed and came down upon her with all his body. Jessica couldn’t get enough of him. She pulled at her dress still in place, as she wanted nothing between her skin and his. Matt ripped the dress in one strong grip, and that made Jessica even more frantic. She tugged at the waist of his pants, but her movements were messy. Matt was kissing her out of her senses. He threw her dress to the floor and unhooked her bra without a flaw, then threw that away as well. Now, Jessica was only in her panties, lying down beneath him with her breasts in full view. Matt looked at her from above, and something in his eyes turned dark and dangerous. She could feel his erection poking at her middle, and she could feel herself getting drenched. Matt explored the length of her body with his hands, took one nipple to his mouth, and sucked on it…hard. Jessica let out another moan, both her nipples getting harder with pleasure. She tugged on his pants again, but this time, Matt stopped her.

“Wait, don’t,” he said, out of breath.

Jessica gave him a baffled look, unable to form words. She was trying to catch her breath and missed his mouth on hers already.

“Jessica, I don’t do normal sex.”


“When I have sex, I’m a dom, and I don’t like being touched.”

Jessica looked up at him in surprise but didn’t have time to respond because Matt suddenly moved into action. He grabbed both her hands with one of his and brought her arms up over her head, leaving her body completely at his mercy. His grip was tight because Jessica was pinned down in that position. In that way, she couldn’t touch him at all, and then his mouth came down over hers again. He used his other hand to rub her breasts and nipples in a tormenting motion.

“Mhmm… Matt,” Jessica moaned in between kisses and hastily inhaled breaths. Matt’s mouth traveled to her neck, and he bit her there softly, which caused Jessica to almost come over the edge. She was very sensitive there. This was the most passionate make-out session she had ever had.

“Oh, you like that, huh?” Matt rasped, his eyes full of lust. He continued kissing and occasionally softly biting her down her body. She shivered with desire.

“Keep your hands over your head. Don’t bring them down,” he ordered. Jessica nodded. Matt let her hands go and used both of his to grab each of her breasts. He rubbed the nipples using his thumbs in a sensual motion while his mouth traveled downwards and was now licking her around the belly. The sensations this whole thing caused were off the charts. Jessica couldn’t help making pleasurable sounds and whispering Matt’s name over and over. She had never thought she would like being submissive to a man in bed, but with Matt, she was loving every second of it.

“Matt, please,” she begged. She wanted all of him—inside her, over her, around her. She wanted him so much at that moment it drove her crazy.

To her utter dismay, Matt lifted himself off her, leaving her suddenly devoid of the heat of his body. His hair was tousled, and the bed sheets around them were twisted up. Jessica laid there breathing hard, her body growing cold with every passing second.


“I’m sorry. We can’t,” Matt replied, his voice husky. With that, he got up and left the room, leaving Jessica completely baffled.


Jessica had slept fitfully last night, tossing and turning in bed for most of the night. Being rejected by him in bed and left alone in the room by Matt was something she hadn’t been expecting. In fact, she has been expecting quite the opposite and thought that she would have to be the one to reject him during sex.

The next morning, she woke up late. The maids informed her that Matt had already left for his office work and that Annalyse and Annabeth had gone out for a doctor’s appointment. Joseph was also spending the morning working his own job. They hadn’t wanted to disturb her sleep, as they figured she had an exhausting couple of days, so she needed the rest. Even though she woke up late, Jessica didn’t feel rested. She was up until really late, and the bags under her eyes were proof of that. The maid had brought her breakfast in bed. She thanked her as she offered her a cup of coffee. After breakfast, Jessica took a shower and changed into a comfortable shirt and jeans. She wondered if she should call Matt but decided against it. She was alone in the big house and didn’t know what to do.

No, actually, I’ll be at the library. I could spend many hours there all by myself.

She looked over at the bookshelf in Matt’s room and memories of them discussing Matt’s favorite classic came to her mind. It seemed like a long time ago that they were laughing together. What had gone wrong? Why did Matt suddenly turn her down last night after they were so close to giving in to their passion? A voice in her head said that maybe he was doing it for her because Matt had told her that he would not touch her without her will. What if he just wanted to take things slow? Jessica scoffed. In this era, men who wanted to “take things slow” were hard to find, so that couldn’t be it. Could it? Something else she pondered over was how Matt had shown her a vulnerable side of him last night. She had been so curious to know more about her mysterious husband. They had been getting along well yesterday, even starting to like each other’s company. His revelation about his sexual preferences had taken her by surprise, but it hadn’t been unpleasant. She quite enjoyed his way of getting intense, something she never gave much thought to. A wild part of her brain was excited by this prospect, but then the rational part of her brain was quenched by the reminder that he had left her wanting last night.

She shook her head and headed for the library. Going there was the best decision because it relieved her of her troubling thoughts. There was something about a room full of books that took her breath away. There was so much to explore, so many books to caress, and so many spines to run her finger along. She loved reading as a hobby, and the sight of books always delighted her to no end, so Jessica spent the rest of the morning exploring the library, learning its different corners, marking out books she wanted to get to, and finally, sitting down and reading.

She must have dozed off at some point because she was awoken by a gentle nudge to her shoulder. She woke up startled. The book resting on her chest fell out of the chair with a thud, causing her to look up. She instinctively thought it was Matt but was a little disappointed to see that it was Natalie.
