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“I mean it,” Taylor said sternly. “I’m giving you to the count of three. One,” Taylor began immediately, but at her count of three, Alina was still seated on the sofa, her tears dried now in steady lines on her cheeks.

Alina was in a personal dreamlike state, only the faint jangling as Taylor used her spare key to open the door.

Taylor bolted through in a haste and stopped short instantly, using her hand to fan in front of her face. “Jeez Alina, did something die in here?”

Alina didn’t answer as Taylor scanned the room, examining the state of her friend’s apartment. What used to be a luxury apartment now resembled a wasteland.

The sitting area was by far the worse, with remnants of barely touched food displayed like ornaments. Alina’s stylish couch was almost unseen underneath the clutter of clothes. The coffee table that was positioned in front of the couch, resting on the classy area rug, was splattered with coffee stains, crumbs, and something else that Taylor rather not identify. The antique Swarovski chandelier with eight lights above the table remained in its usual pristine state, possibly because it was out of Alina’s destructive path. It cost more than what many people make in a month, so Taylor was happy to see it still sparkled. There was a small table with a mirrored top that usually enhanced the beauty of the room, especially with the crystal ornament on it, but that too had succumbed to Alina’s destructive behavior, as it was covered in soiled tissue and resembled a ghost.

“Oh my goodness,” Taylor turned up her nose, pushed up her eyebrow, and puffed out one cheek as if her teeth hurt. “It’s even worse than I thought.”

Alina turned and looked now at the fireplace opposite the couch, once thought of as the pride of the apartment with the forty-two-inch television above it. This fireplace was the main reason she signed the lease. It was mainly for decoration purposes, but now it didn’t even light a spark in her heart.

“I gave you that key for an emergency,” Alina said flatly.

Taylor hung her side bag at her elbow and looked at the dining area. The velvet-cushioned wooden dining set seemed in good condition. Nothing a little rag and shine couldn’t handle. Still, if the moldy pizza and the mystery dish weren’t cleared soon, it might retain a permanent pungent odor.

“Oh, this became an emergency a long time ago,” she let out a sigh.

Alina had never been an extremely orderly person, especially when she was painting. During these times, she tended to neglect her apartment, but this was by far the worst Taylor had ever seen it.

“Have you been sitting here feeling sorry for yourself this entire time?” Taylor asked.

Alina’s friendship with Taylor usually harbored a judgment-free atmosphere, so she felt confident enough to tell her best friend, “Pretty much.”

Taylor blew out hard and put her hand on her wide hips. “What about the painting? Bailey said the gallery wants you to create another piece to be used as the highlight for the show. Have you even begun?”

Alina turned her head to once again stare out the window so Taylor knew exactly what her answer was. The stylish raven-haired woman hopped through the debris of clothing on the floor and, before she took a seat next to her friend, cleaned the area with only her thumb and forefinger.

“Alina,” she said, but her friend simply ignored her, another sign that something was wrong.

Taylor was not the type of person to accept defeat that easily. She was known as dramatic, overly sexualized, and even hyper. What she was not was someone who could be ignored.

“Hey,” Taylor shouted in a high-pitched tone that startled Alina and made her head turn sharply. “I’m not going to stay here and watch you feel sorry for yourself.” Her forehead creased now and her eyes piercing.

“So, leave then,” Alina spurted at her friend, her face equally tense. “No one asked you to come here.”

“If that’s the way you want it, fine.” Taylor rose from the couch and gathered her bag on her shoulder. Alina adopted a slumping posture once again and continued to stare out the window. She expected Taylor to see herself out, but instead of walking toward the door, Taylor went into the kitchen, retrieved a bottle of cold water, and returned to empty the contents on her friend.

Alina heaved from the couch, throwing the blanket on the ground and swearing profusely. “Have you lost your mind?” She tried unsuccessfully to knock the water off her clothing.

“No. But you certainly have. Look at yourself.” Taylor spoke harshly. “Your hair is matted, you smell like you haven’t bathed in a week, your apartment is a disaster and you’re neglecting a job that you love and are passionate about.” Then she lightened her tone and walked closer to her friend. “I understand you’re feeling hopeless right now, but you can’t simply stop living.” She breathed out hard. “Let’s talk hypothetically for a while. What if Dereck changed his mind? What if he decided to forgive you?” Taylor opened her arms and twirled around the room, the soft material of her skirt flaring as she did so. “Is this the person you want him to come back to?”

Alina only took a moment to answer. But first, she watched around the room with wide eyes, as if seeing the state of her apartment for the first time. “You’re right.”

“Of course, I am.” Taylor displayed her boastful tendencies, but she had a slight smile on her. “But I am here to change all that. Just leave it to me.”

Alina’s eyebrows shot up and she jerked her head back. “Are you going to clean my apartment?”

Taylor’s eyebrows adopted the same behavior as the volume of her voice rose. “Oh, goodness no.” She dusted the front of her white fitted long-sleeve blouse. She paired this with a long empire waist floral skirt with an extravagant belting that matched her perfectly manicured nails. Taylor accessorized her outfit with a pearl set, with most of her long hair pulled above her head. Of course, Taylor sported red bottoms because they were her favorite.

“I’m hiring a cleaning service.” Taylor examined her friend as Alina stood exposed to her scrutiny. “In the meantime, let’s get you in the shower and fit for public appearances.”

“Are we going somewhere?” Alina asked, hoping that her friend would say no. She was not that lucky.

“Of course, darling,” Taylor now sported a smirk. “It’s girl’s night.”


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