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Seeing Alina spill her guts, Taylor raised her hand in the air to get the group’s attention. A completely unnecessary act. “Did I tell you guys about the time I thought I was pregnant?”

Peyton shook her headnowhile Bailey looked at her wide-eyed.

“I was freaking out so badly. As it turned out, all I had was a late period and a bad case of gas.”

“Serves you right for skipping meals,” Alina raised her head, but her unsettled stomach made her put it down on the countertop again.

Taylor laughed in the most unladylike manner. “At least I’m not too drunk to lift my head.” The women roared again as the night went on.

The next morning Alina was paying greatly for her limitless night. She was barely able to lift her head due to the pounding and when she did; it caused her stomach to become nauseated. By the afternoon, her headache had passed, but there was no letting up to her stomach issues.

When her cellphone rang, it interrupted her nap and Alina frowned as she silenced the phone. “Hello,” she said in a low mumbling manner.

“Alina,” Casey’s voice was high-pitched and filled with uneasiness. “I called to find out how your exhibition went, but you sound terrible. What happened to you?”

Alina moaned before answering her sister. “A night of fun with the girls.”

Casey wasn’t satisfied with her sister’s answer. “Alina, it’s mid-afternoon. That hangover should be gone by now. You usually get drunk at girls’ night, but you never stay out of it for this long afterward.”

“I think I went overboard last night.” Alina had her hand gently stroking her stomach. “You know, celebrating my exhibition and all that.”

“Hmm,” Casey said, and Alina knew she was frowning. “I will feel better if you let Dereck check you out.”

“Don’t be ridiculous Casey.” Alina tried to chuckle but ended up scrunching her nose and gripping her stomach even tighter. “I can’t disturb Dereck on work for a mere hangover.”

“I thought that was one of the perks of having a doctor for a boyfriend,” Casey asked.

“It is, but…” Alina was about to argue, but Casey cut her off.

“There is no but,” Casey was loud now and her voice forceful. A side of her Alina rarely saw. “Get your butt over there now!” there was no room in her voice now for excuses.

“Ok, ok,” Alina got up from the bed immediately and went to her closet. “I’m going.”

“Great,” Casey said. “Let me know what he says,” then she hung up the phone.

Alina was in no mood for dressing up, so she put on the simplest outfit she saw. It was long-sleeved loungewear with pockets at the front. Unwilling to take public transportation, she drove her car to the hospital. She was lucky enough to see Dereck walking by in the lobby as she entered.

“Hi sweetheart,” he greeted her with a smile. “What are you doing here?” Dereck took in Alina’s appearance, noting the bags under her eyes and her weakened state.

“Casey called earlier to find out about the exhibition but practically forced me down here instead. She thinks my illness is more than just a hangover.”

At the same time, a bald doctor approached them. “Dereck, you’re just the man I wanted to see.” Dereck introduced the man to Alina as the Chief of Medicine.

“Are your bags packed?” the man asked Alina, a slight smile on his lips.

"What?" Alina gazed at him with a bewildered expression, completely puzzled by his statement.

“You should pack your bags soon because your man here…” he grabbed Dereck on the shoulder. “He just passed the preliminary phase for the Chief of Medicine job in Upstate New York. From the look of things, I think he is the best candidate they’ve got. I’m sure he would get the job.”

Alina looked from the man to Dereck. Her boyfriend looked positively appalled with his wild eyes, and she knew he had to know about it.

“Yes well, being a doctor is the one thing Dereck is best at.” Alina folded her fingers into a fist to prevent herself from losing her temper. “If you will excuse me. There is somewhere I must be.” Before she left, she turned to Dereck’s boss. “I’m glad I met you.”

Alina walked away without another word, her hand stiff at her side as Dereck approached her from behind. “Alina, I was going to…”

“Don’t even,” she whipped around with her finger in his face. “How long have you known about this?” But before Dereck could answer, Alina changed her mind. “You know what it doesn’t matter. You kept it from me deliberately and we both know it. Nothing else matters.”

Alina walked away then, the rage fuming inside her.
