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“Hello.” Taylor sounded groggy, possibly from a night of partying.

“Taylor, it’s me,” he said, receiving a raised eyebrow from Alina. Her face asked many questions.

“How could I possibly know it is you, Dereck, with ingenious technology like caller ID.” Taylor had an even more sarcastic personality.

Dereck ignored her. “Listen. I have to run to the hospital for a while, but I don’t want to leave Alina here by herself.” He moved away from his girlfriend as she attempted to snatch the phone from him. “Can you come and keep Alina company while I’m out?”

Alina’s glare was deadly, but Dereck ignored it as her friend responded with acceptance.

When he ended the call, Alina pushed her nose at him. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

“I know,” he said, moving closer again. “It’s more for me than you. I would feel much better if Taylor was here with you. Just for today, okay?” He flashed her a pouted look to soften her displeasure.

“Fine,” Alina said, her finger raising in a warning. “But just this once.” She waved her finger around. “I don’t appreciate being treated like I can’t take care of myself.”

“Promise,” Dereck said, with no intention of keeping his promise. If having someone around Alina for the next two months would ease her suffering, then he was willing to face her wrath.

Dereck placed a tender kiss on her lips before leaving for the hospital.

When Dereck entered his boss’ office, he greeted Dereck with a smile and smacked him on the back. “You did it. I knew you would.”

There was an immense cloud hanging over Dereck now. “I got the job?” The job he spoke of was a Director of Medicine position. It was an amazing opportunity for Dereck. However, the position was out of the city in upstate New York.

“Of course, I’m talking about the job. What else?” Then his boss settled behind his desk. “Listen, they want you there as soon as possible, so when can you leave?”

This was such a dilemma. Dereck stammered, “Can I have some time to think about it?”

His boss’ face froze and Dereck swore he saw smoke come from his nose. “What is there to think about? This is an amazing opportunity. You wouldn’t practice as much, but you will be in charge of many doctors.” He shook his head. “I thought we discussed all of this before. You were on board. What happened?” There was a high pitch to the man’s voice.

“Alina’s about to have my baby. I don’t think I can leave her now.” Dereck held his boss’s gaze with his hand pressed at his side.

When the other man spoke, his voice was quieter. “I will try to delay as long as I can but you have to decide soon.”

“Thank you,” Dereck said, rising from the guest chair across from his boss. “I really appreciate it.”


It was a struggle, but finally, Alina was able to bring her foot up to the coffee table in the sitting room. She had brought her forty-two-inch flat screen from her old apartment and it stood across from her now, mounted on the wall. Alina was flicking through channels on the couch when she heard the click of her lock. Then the main door swung open to reveal a figure.

“Taylor! You scared the shit out of me.” Alina’s hand was on her chest, her breathing returning to normal.

The dark-haired woman strolled into the apartment, placing her bag on the entry table. “I didn’t want to disturb you in case you were sleeping.” Today Taylor dressed simply, with fitted jeans tucked inside a knee-high boot. With this, she wore a crop top and a chocolate brown jacket. Her hair draped to her sides with a shine.

“You know I don’t live alone anymore.” Alina widened her eyes. “What if Dereck was still here?”

Taylor held the key up, dangling it as she spoke. “Who do you think gave me the keys?”

Alina pouted her lips, making a note to scold Dereck when he returned home. She knew exactly why he had given Taylor access to their home, and she did not appreciate it. “This is unnecessary. Dereck is just overreacting.”

Taylor’s chin dropped. “Judging from the look of you, I don’t think he is.” Then Alina’s friend went to sit next to her on the couch. “Aren’t pregnant women supposed to gain weight? Why does it look like you’ve lost some?”

Alina rolled her eyes. “Listen. I’m happy you and Dereck are getting along so well, but you need to stop hanging out with him. You’re beginning to sound like him.”

“We’re just concerned about you, that’s all.” Taylor pouted her lips. “We want you to be healthy and have a safe pregnancy.”

Alina tapped her friend’s hand. “I am. So stop worrying, okay?”

Taylor smiled but said nothing further on the issue. Obviously, she was not convinced.

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