Page 129 of Love You Wild

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Her giggle is low and anxious. “Thanks, I think.” She reaches for me but pauses, looking unsure. Her fingers curl back into little fists, and I notice her perfectly shaped fingernails match her toes and her eyes—hunter green. “Um, do you think we could—”

“Thanks for waiting for me, babe.” A pair of lips land on my cheek, an overpowering floral scent invading my nostrils, overwhelming my senses to the point that I feel woozy.

Claire’s eyes widen as Gwen wraps her hands around my elbow. I watch those emeralds move rapidly between us. Those teeth Claire was trying to keep from her lower lip descend, trying to still that slight tremor.

I know this was the exact reaction I wanted, but this feels nothing like how I thought it would. I try to shake Gwen off me, but her talons just dig in, holding on for dear life.

“You…um…is this…” Color paints Claire’s face as she trips over her words. Her throat works with her thick swallow. She can’t finish her question.

Gwen sticks her hand out to Claire. “I’m Gwen. Avery’s date.”


I can’t take my eyes off those glistening orbs. Claire looks…utterly devastated. Those gorgeous eyes that I love redden right in front of me. I open my mouth to say something, anything, but nothing comes out. See: brain walking out on me two minutes ago.

Gwen snickers. “Yeah, he’s been flirting with me for ages. Finally got the courage to ask me out today, didn’t you?” She rubs my chest and grabs my face, kissing my cheek again.

Claire’s gaze flips up to mine, and there it is. Betrayal. Hurt. But worst of all…defeat. She’s done.

“Claire, I—”

She plasters on a fake smile and blinks back her tears while everyone else looks like they’d rather be anywhere but here, except Charlee, who seems to be running through a thousand different scenarios in her head on how best to cut off my dick and feed it to me.

“I hope you two have fun tonight. Excuse me.” Claire turns on her heel and quickly disappears into the crowd.

“Huh, that was weird.” Gwen drags a fingertip along my jaw, making me shiver with displeasure. “I think somebody has a crush on you. Too bad you’re here with me, eh, handsome?”

I shrug out of Gwen’s death grip and sidestep away. Dex looks like he’s about to ask Charlee what plan of attack she’s decided on and how he can help. I need to get the hell out of here, preferably with Claire by my side, even if I have get down on my knees and beg.

“Charlee, can you—”

“See if she’s okay?” she spits out. “Sure. Wouldn’t want you to have to leave your date.” She storms off after Claire, the crowd parting around her as she goes.

What. The. Fuuuck.

I’m so confused. I mean, I know why I feel like an asshole. I don’t know why the hell I did this, why I ever thought hurting her as a means to getting her was a good idea. But this is exactly what Claire said she wanted, isn’t it? She’s the one who told me to see other people. I wasn’t expecting her to come here looking all happy to see me, wanting to…what did she want to do, anyway? Um, do you think we could…Gwen had cut her off before she could finish. Did she want to talk? Dance? What?

I need to find Claire.

I take one step and Gwen slips her hand into mine. “Let’s go dance, Avery.”

I look down at our joined hands. “Uh, I don’t think—”

“Come on,” she pouts. “You brought me here and you don’t want to dance with me? I got all dressed up for you. Don’t you think I look nice?” She smooths her hands down her torso and takes the long red skirt between her fingers, fluffing it out.

I’ve never been a bigger asshole.

With a sigh, I tell her, “You look very beautiful. But Gwen, I’m—”

She grins, clasping her hands under her chin. “Thank you! Let’s dance!” She yanks me out to the floor, wrapping her arms around my neck.

Very carefully, I put my hands on her waist, touching her with only the tips of my fingers as we start to sway back and forth to the music. Well, she sways; I just kind of shift on my feet, just like my eyes are shifting around the room, on the lookout for Claire.

As if thinking about her is enough to conjure her up, she sneaks out of the bathroom with her head down, Charlee at her side, holding her hand and clutching her elbow. I watch them find our small group, and that’s the only place I want to be, too. Wherever she is.

I can’t tear my eyes off Claire, but I should, because the second she looks up and sees this, me and Gwen, the last thing I want to see is the hurt that’s bound to slash her face. I’m a fucking coward. I chose to do this; I should be able to take it, own up to it.

But I can’t. I can’t stomach hurting her. I’m just like Aaron right now, and that’s the last person I ever wanted to be to her. I’ve spent these last weeks trying to convince her that I’m different, that I won’t hurt her the way he did, but this right here is the exact opposite.
