Page 13 of Love You Wild

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I nod, but the discomfort lingers. I might play the field like it’s my job, but I’m not cool with guys who treat girls like shit. It’s never okay.

“Well…” Strawberry sucks her bottom lip into her mouth and looks up at me. When she releases it, I wanna lick that glisten right off of it. “See ya around.”

Grabbing her elbow, I drag her right on back. Because hell no.

“You can’t be serious,” I say to her surprised face. “You’re just gonna disappear on me?”

Her small hands press to my chest. “Look, I’m sorry. I told you, I’m not built for this. And I’m definitely not ready for something like this. This was a mistake.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so. I don’t think this was a mistake.” When she only averts her gaze, I sigh. She’s not gonna budge, not right now anyway. I’ll have to give it another shot in a couple days. I dig my phone out of my pocket and hold it out to her. “Can I grab your number?”

She gnaws on her bottom lip before giving her head a slow shake.

For fuck’s sake. “I don’t suppose you’re gonna give me your name either, are you?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she whispers.

“Why not? This could be fun. We could have fun together. I am having fun with you. You’re going to let that guy ruin shit for you?” Shit, I’m really jacked up about this. Maybe because I’m not used to being turned down. All I know is I don’t wanna watch her walk away without knowing I’m going to see her again. “You’re stronger than that.”

She looks at her toes. “Not sure that I am, actually.” Then she stands up as tall as she can muster, pushing her shoulders back, eyes fierce with determination. “Thanks for…whatever that was.”

She jerks me down to her for a hungry kiss, her tongue lapping at mine. I wind an arm around her back and bury a hand in her soft hair. She pulls away, leaving us both breathless, wanting more.

And then she leaves me standing there like a jackass, staring after the curve of her hips as they swing from side-to-side, her slender shoulders, that beautiful mess of hair tumbling down her back.

And I don’t have a single clue why I’m letting her walk away.




It’s everything I can do to drag myself back into the bar after I allow myself a couple minutes to cool down.

I slump into my seat next to my friends, and my best friend Wyatt arches one brow as he swirls his glass of scotch. “Struck out with your fiery redhead, didn’t ya?”

Ignoring him, I reach forward, grabbing his drink right out of his hand and tossing it down my throat. It’s smooth and delicious, warming me on its way down.

Wyatt leans back in his chair, lacing his fingers behind his head. “Well, shit. That doesn’t happen often, does it? What happened, big boy? Losing your charm?”

Doubtful. Pretty sure I almost had her there, right at the end. She was crumbling like a sandcastle.

“Just broke up with her boyfriend and apparently he showed up, saw us dancing, and got pissed off.” I wave a dismissive hand through the air. “Whatever. I’ll find someone else.” I start looking around the bar like I’m trying to figure out who that someone else is, rather than what I’m really doing, which is searching for her.

Wyatt snorts. “Yeah, okay. You had your eyes glued to her for two hours.”

“And? Did you not see her?”

He lifts a shoulder and lets it fall. “I did. Gorgeous little thing, ain’t she?” Gorgeous is an understatement. “But you’ve fucked lots of bombshells and never given them more than five, ten minutes of your attention.”

“I fail to see your point.” I catch one of the bartender’s eyes and hold up the empty glass in my hand. He nods and pulls out a bottle of scotch.

“I don’t think you do, but tell yourself whatever you want to hear.”

In an attempt to forget about the girl who just walked away from me, I insert myself in the conversation the rest of our table is having. Something about investments and computers, so it’s hard to participate. I don’t give a shit about work at the moment, and the whole technology thing anyway is more Wyatt’s expertise.

I’m halfway through my next drink when I notice the blonde pushing through the crowd. When her eyes lock on mine, she races over, gripping my forearm.
