Page 148 of Love You Wild

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Anything I don’t already know about Claire, I’m sure I’m going to learn this weekend. I love watching her like this, so relaxed and at home, like she’s able to be herself without any reservations.

We turn down a long gravel driveway and approach an old ranch house on a huge slab of land, surrounded by tall pines and oaks, a few perfectly placed weeping willows. The two men waiting on the wraparound porch start making their way down the steps.

Claire’s out of the truck before I put it in park, flinging herself from the front seat and making a mad dash the rest of the way up the driveway. She throws herself into her dad’s arms and he catches her around the waist, laughing and giving her a spin while she burrows into his neck. She’s a daddy’s girl.

And suddenly I’m a little bit nervous. I’d like to think I can talk myself into and out of just about anything, but meeting her father? I’ve never done families before. Aren’t dads protective of their daughters? Was this a terrible idea? What am I doing? Fuck, someone help me.

I step down from the truck and watch her dad’s eyes peel to me. Before I can say anything or make a move in his direction, a tiny body hurls itself at my legs.

“A’wy!” Vivi shrieks.

“Hey there, sweet cheeks!” Scooping her up, I shower her chubby cheeks in kisses.

Her tiny fingers press against my face. I’m afraid to ask why they’re so sticky. “You come see Gamps and Tooky?”

“I sure did.” A fluffy white dog with black and brown spots prances over to us, sniffing my legs. I drop one hand down to Turkey, letting him lick me before I bury my fingers in his soft fur.

Vivi gives me a toothy grin, jade eyes dancing. “You bwing Sully?”

I shake my head. “No, baby. Sully’s having a sleepover with Harper.”

Vivi’s face falls and she pushes that wet, swollen pout out. “Oh.”

I kiss her nose. It’s so cute and tiny I can’t resist. This girl has me eating out of the palm of her hand. “You’ll see him on Sunday though, okay? We’re going swimming at my mom and dad’s.”

She squeals with delight, hands on either side of my face as she leans in. “Gamps gimme a pop-icle,” she whispers against my lips, sticky fingers explained.

“He did? What a special Gramps you got there, little lady.”

“I’m about as special as they come, that’s what they say.” I look up at the gruff voice, finding Claire’s dad stopped in front of me, grinning at me. Or rather, his granddaughter. I’m sure I’m not the one he’s grinning at. “Mr. Beck, I presume?”

With a nod, I shift Vivi to my hip, holding out my hand. “Avery, sir. I’m happy to meet you.”

His smile widens as he takes my hand, his grip firm. “Gavin, please.”

Instead of Casey’s copper hair, Gavin’s is light brown, peppered with gray around the temples and in the scruff lining his jaw. Rather than green eyes, his are a striking shade of sapphire blue. Other than that, he’s all Casey. Tall and broad with the same squared jawline and high cheekbones. He’s strong and lean from years of woodworking and doesn’t look the least bit tired, despite Claire’s worries about his health. He’s also got that signature Thompson smile, all goofy and crooked.

“I hear you’ve been taking good care of my two girls,” Gavin says, his lingering gaze both amused and curious. “How the hell you got yourself roped into that is beyond me. Nice man like you? Figured you could find yourself someone a little less stubborn than my daughter.”

“Hey!” Claire steps up beside us. The indignant fists planted on her hips match perfectly with her displeased scowl and furrowed brows. “I am not stubborn.”

“Only someone as stubborn as you would say that, my darling.” Gavin tickles her chin and throws me a wink.

“So damn stubborn,” Casey agrees, clapping me on the back. “Hey Avery.”

Claire huffs and throws her arms in the air, stalking off toward the truck bed. “I wish Charlee was here.”

“You and me both.” I’m not sure who murmurs it, Gavin or Casey, but one quick glance at the two of them tells me it could be either or. They’re both donning shit-eating grins.

“It’s not too late to run,” Casey mutters.

Chuckling, I blow out a breath, the tension in my shoulders easing. “Nah, I like her too much. I’m trapped now.”

“Auntie Claire and A’wy like to do lotsa kissin’,” Vivi pipes up, nuzzling into my neck. For God’s sake, how many times is this little nugget going to say that at the most inopportune moments?

“Uh…” My eyes shift back and forth between Gavin and Casey. They’re still smiling, so I guess that’s a good thing. Still, my answering laugh is entirely too anxious, and maybe a little shrill.

“Come on!” Claire calls out from the porch. She’s got her bag and mine over her shoulder, struggling to hold up the box of beer. She keeps readjusting her hands, knees lifting to help her hold it up. “Or I’ll drink all this beer myself and won’t share a single sip with any of you!”
