Page 149 of Love You Wild

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Gavin runs a hand through his hair and sighs. “Yup, that’s my daughter.”

I'm re-evaluating my life choices here. I want a house, a yard. I want to see the stars when I look up at the sky at nighttime. I want to hear crickets and watch Claire read a book on the back deck while I barbecue dinner and the dog runs free.

I don’t want the city lights, the never-ending noise, the smog. Don’t get me wrong—I love the Toronto skyline. I love the hustle and bustle.

But this? Shit, this is living.

My gaze sweeps the yard, the twinkle lights in the distance, wrapped around the back porch, the seas of trees in the black night, the stars, and I feel good. Happy. At ease. And now I know why Claire was so anxious to get back here.

Here, Claire is in her element.

Smiling, I watch her pull her stick back from the fire, tapping on her marshmallow.

“Ouch!” she hisses, jerking her hand back. She meets my gaze, grinning like a goofy fool. “Hot.”

Laughing, I twist her birthday cake Oreo apart for her, getting it ready for her marshmallow, because regular s’mores are entry level according to Claire. “You don’t say. I can’t imagine something that comes off the fire being hot…”

“Quiet before I jab you with my stick.” She jerks it in my direction for good measure.

Gavin chuckles, watching me smoosh Claire’s sticky mess together before handing it over to her. “You two are quite the pair. Nothing like sarcasm and death threats to get the love flowing.” He threads his fingers through Vivi’s hair while she snoozes in his lap and throws a glance in Casey’s direction. “Speaking of love, when are you gonna get your shit together and nail down that Charlee Williams? She’s not gonna wait around forever on a chump like you.”

It’s hard to tell through the glare of the fire, but I’m pretty sure Casey’s cheeks tint with color, his eyes shifting to Claire.

Claire licks her sticky, goopy fingers. “Don’t look at me, Case. I’d love to officially make Charlee my sister.” She looks at her dad and rolls her eyes. “He was holding her hand at lunch under the table last Saturday and thinks nobody noticed.”

Casey nudges Claire’s knee with his foot. “Shut up, Care Bear. I wasn’t holding it, I was just…resting my hand there.”

“Uh huh. That’s what Charlee said too.”

Casey perks up. “She did? What else did she say?”

Gavin barks out a low laugh. “Christ, are you twenty-nine or twelve? Stop making secret passes at your sister’s best friend and just go after the girl already.” Climbing to his feet, he scoops Vivi into his arms. “I’m taking this munchkin to bed. Don't kill the fire.”

When he returns nearly a half hour later, he’s shaking his head, wearing a huge smile. “That girl is a con artist.” He hands Casey and I a cigar each before sinking into his chair. “Talked me into another popsicle and two more stories after I told her it was the last one.”

“You gave her a popsicle?” Casey checks his phone. “It’s 9:45! There’s no way she’s sleeping.”

Gavin shrugs. “She’s my only grandbaby. I’ll spoil the ever-loving shit outta her if I want.” He takes a long drag on his cigar, tipping his head back as he puffs the smoke out. “What are you planning for my daughter for her birthday, Avery?”

“Dad.” Claire tosses her head back, the sound she makes stuck somewhere between a hiss and a groan.

“Birthday?” I repeat, studying her closely. She sure is doing her damn best to act like she doesn’t notice, eyes trained ahead of her as she pokes at the fire with her stick.

Claire tugs her sweater up to her nose, sinking lower into her chair, grumbling something I can’t hear.

“Canada Day,” Casey clarifies, handing me another beer from the cooler. “You’re not trying to hide your birthday from your boyfriend, Claire, are you?” he teases, flicking the ash from the end of his cigar.

Canada Day. That’s in…shit, just a few weeks.


My question is directed toward Claire, but it’s Gavin who answers since Claire seems intent not to. “Yup. Twenty-six years of my wild, stubborn, fiery little girl.” His eyes linger on her face, the corner of his mouth tipping up. “She looks more and more like her mom every day. And every bit as beautiful.”

“Daddy,” Claire whispers. They lock eyes, the two of them smiling softly at each other.

Gavin gives her a wink and shifts his gaze back to me. “So, Mr. Moneybags.”

“Dad! Oh my God.” Claire covers her face and nearly disappears into her sweater.
