Page 159 of Love You Wild

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Her cheeks flush, and she feels like she’s a hundred-and-two degrees again. “Stop it. I can’t handle your level of cuteness.”

I roll on top of her, pinning her wrists above her head. “And I can’t handle you being sick, ’cause I just wanna fucking devour you.”

Her hips lift, pressing into mine. “You can still devour me, just not my mouth.”

“Hmm.” My finger trails down her stomach, enjoying the way the muscles there clench and jump. “So I can have you for dessert tonight?”

She tosses her head back into the pillows with her throaty laugh. “Will we ever get sick of this?”

“Nah.” I suck on her collarbone, marking her as mine, the way I like to in a new spot every day. “I wanna love on you forever.”

Her emerald eyes peer up at me. “Forever?”





“Hot. Damn.”

I glance at Charlee, sunglasses tipped down her nose while she fans herself with one hand, propping herself up on the dock with one elbow while her legs kick out behind her in the lake.

“There are way too many sexy men in bathing suits,” Charlee murmurs, biting on her lower lip. She eyes me up, then Casey, then Wyatt, then Casey’s dad, then my dad. It’s too much, and I can’t help the laugh that bursts pasts my lips. Her eyes glaze over her own brother with a gag. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, Dex, you’re cute and all, but…”

“Yeah, you really don’t need to explain.” Dex clears his throat and tugs on his hair. “In fact, I’d prefer if you didn’t.”

Hanging off the pier, Charlee peeks up at Casey, eyes raking over him on repeat. She opens her mouth to say something while she starts pulling herself up on the dock, but before she can, Claire collides with her back, wrapping her arms around her and propelling them both back into the water. My wild, fiery girl.

“Ew. Stop. That’s my brother. Don’t you dare call him sexy.”

“I only speak the truth, Claire Bear. You know that.”

Charlee grips Claire's foot as Claire climbs up on the wood, trying to jerk her back in. Claire scuttles away, cackling, and Charlee's gaze settles back on Casey with a wink.

“You look beautiful too, Charlee, but you always do.” Crouching down in front of her, Casey takes her hands and starts pulling her up, but hesitates, his lips to her ear. “You’d look even better without the bathing suit.” With a wink as devilish as his sister’s, he drops Charlee back into the water.

Charlee’s curses are drowned out by a gaggle of shrieks. Every heard turns, finding Vivi being chased, hands in the air, by four dogs and one cat who thinks he’s a dog. I catch her around the middle and scoop her up when she races by in her teeny tiny frilly bikini.

“A’wy,” she wheezes, thumbing over her shoulder. “Dey chasin’ me! Dey twyin’ to get me!”

“You’re too fast for them, munchkin.”

She deflates in my arms with a heavy sigh. “I twyin’!” She points to the water, sage eyes sparkling wildly. “We jump?”

“You wanna jump in?”

Vivi’s head bobbles up and down. She crooks a finger at me and cups her hands around my ear. “I tell you secwet. I bwave.”

God, I love this little girl.

A clicking sound has me looking up, my eyes landing on my sister, her camera pointed at us. We’ve been here for six hours and she’s been snapping pictures nonstop.

“I’m sorry. I can’t not. You two are fuck—freaking—adorable. God, I gotta get used to the no swearing around kids thing.”

Casey waves her off as he takes Vivi from me, strapping her into her Frozen life jacket. It’s Frozen everything with this little chick. “Between Claire and I, she’s pretty much heard it all by now. I think we’ve just given up on it at this point. If the worst thing she does is know how to spell fuck by the time she goes to Kindergarten, I’ll count my single parenting a success.”
