Page 166 of Love You Wild

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Avery’s brows jump, his thumb skimming his jaw. “Leave you? Did you miss the part where I said we move here?”

“You don’t mean that.” I lift up on my toes and kiss his ridiculously full lips before I sneak under his arm and move to the fridge, pulling out a tray of fruit. “You’d get sick of me in a week if we lived together.”

“Would I? We already pretty much live together.” He watches my face, which I’m trying my damn best to school into a mask of indifference. “Don’t we? You’re at my place every night. We have a devil cat together.” His eyes drift to Sully who’s lounging in the sun on the back deck, paws in the air, while Chester jumps at his wagging tail. “And a Sully,” he adds with a laugh.

He stalks over to me, gripping my hips. “Are you telling me you don’t wanna live with me?”

I grin up at his face, the pout he’s got on that could rival Vivi’s. I tap it with my finger. “I’m telling you it’s a moot point because I can’t retire at twenty-six.”

“Well, you could,” he says slowly, thinking.


“I’m just—”

“I’m not living off your money for the rest of my life. I love you for you, not your money. In fact, your money is very intimidating. Could you make less, please?” I tease.

“No can do, sugar,” he says with a broad grin. “I’ll tell you what I can do though.”

“Mmm.” Licking my lips, I grab a fistful of his shirt and tug him down to me, the fingertips of my freehand dancing across the waistband of his shorts. “What’s that?”

“I can fuck you properly now that we’re alone.”

“Properly?” I pop the button on his shorts, fingers creeping down as I palm his cock. It twitches and kicks, growing fast.

“Properly. Sideways. Six ways to Sunday. Into next week. Senseless.” His hand slides up the nape of my neck, gripping my hair as he tips me backward, soft lips ghosting over my throat, settling a breath away from my mouth. “Get the picture?”

“Not sure. Can you show me?”

I’m upstairs, naked, and flat on my back before I can count to ten, watching as Avery rips off his clothes and retrieves a black box from the dresser.

“I have one more present for you.”

I groan, dragging a palm down my face. “Another? You’ve spoiled me.”

His grin is so wide and calculating that I find myself sitting up, backing into the pillows as he slinks across the room to me. “I think I like spoiling you, so you’ll have to get used to it.” He climbs onto the bed, crawling toward me on his knees. “But this is a different kind of gift.”

Hitting him with a look of pure skepticism, I take the box from his hand, lifting the lid. Inside is a small pink…something…half the size of my palm. I hold it up, examining it carefully. It has a small hole with a raised lip running around it, and a button on the opposite side.

“What is—oh!” I squeal and throw the toy when I hit the button and it starts vibrating in my hand. “What the hell is that?”

I mean, it’s a sex toy, obviously. A vibrating sex toy. I have a vibrator at home. One I haven’t touched since the first night Avery and I slept together. But…the hole? What the hell is the hole about?

Avery chuckles, picking up the toy as he moves toward me. I crawl further backwards until my back hits the headboard.

“Don’t be scared,” he murmurs, amused. “It’ll feel good. I promise.”

“You don’t…” I don’t know why, but I find a pit of insecurity growing in my stomach, one that reminds me that at one point, not long ago, I wasn’t enough for someone. I pin one arm across my chest and pull my knees up to my stomach, trying to quell the ridiculous thoughts in my head that tell me this man feels anything but love for me. “Do you not want to touch me anymore?”

Avery’s deep brown eyes flicker and he clicks the toy off before hauling me into his arms. “That’s not what this is about at all, Claire. Please don’t ever think that. It’s physically painful to keep my hands off you. Sometimes I worry how much I love you is downright suffocating.”

Oh, he’s cute. He’s a very hands-on partner, that’s for sure. His hands are on me the second he walks through the door when he gets home from work. But suffocating? No. I can’t get enough of him either.

“Then what’s it for? Why do we need it?” I pry the toy from his fingers, tracing around the lipped hole with the tip of my finger.

Avery’s nose drifts along the edge of my jaw. “Can I show you? Or do you want me to tell you first?”

“Tell me first,” I breathe out, meeting his gaze. “Please.”
